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Ivy woke up, arms wrapped around Remus. She didn't know what was happening at first until she tried to look around. She and Remus were pressed against each other. She leaned her head to the side so she could look at Remus better. He was face down in the pillow, breathing softly. She couldn't help but smile.

As soon as she realized how mushy and lovesick she felt, she looked away, almost feeling uncomfortable. Feelings felt more vulnerable than they should to her. Remus seemed to be in his element whenever dealing with emotions, but Ivy was the complete opposite.

She laid there, trying to soak up Remus's body warmth and enjoy the moment without worrying about her exam scores. It seems like she woke up earlier than normal, due to nerves or Remus, she didn't know.

         After a few minutes, Remus lifted his head with squinted eyes, trying to make some sense of what was happening. He looked at Ivy, who had been watching him with a small smile.

        "How long have you been awake?" He asked sleepily, his voice lower than usual.

        "I don't know. Not that long. I wonder if the others are up yet," She said, looking at the ceiling. Remus wrapped his arms tighter around her, laying his head on her chest.

"What time is it?"

"No clue. Pretty early, it seems. You can probably go back to sleep if you want," She said. So he did. He slept for a little while longer, leaving Ivy and her thoughts. Times like these were the times Ivy got too in her head and began to overthink.

The scores won't be that bad, right? Maybe not all O's like last year, but they'll be at least at E or higher. That's what she was telling herself, but a little voice in the back of her head kept saying otherwise.

Eventually, after a while longer of Remus still sleeping and Ivy playing with his hair gently, there was a knock at the door.

"Ivy? Remus? Are you in there?" Sirius asked, causing Ivy to blink at the door. She glanced at Remus, who had been clinging to her in some way this whole time.

"Yeah. Where else would I be," Ivy said in a deadpan type of way, trying to be sort of quiet. She could feel Sirius roll his eyes from outside the door. Remus stirred, waking up confusedly.

"Can I come in?"

Ivy and Remus looked at each other, trying to form an answer that didn't sound suspicious. Remus didn't really know what was happening.

"Um, give us like, five seconds," Ivy said to the door. Sirius tried to give a thumbs up but remembered there was a door and she couldn't see him.

They got up, stretching and beginning to get presentable enough for the rest of the group. Ivy went into the connected bathroom as Remus tried to wake himself up. She got ready in an impressively fast time, leaving the bathroom to Remus. He went in next, doing his routine and walking out.

They opened the door to a bored-looking Sirius. "That was more than five seconds."

"Oh shut up."

They walked to James's room. He was still asleep, same with Peter. Sirius swung open the door, immediately running and jumping on his bed.

"Wake up! It's morning!" He said. James groaned, rolling around and causing Sirius to lose his balance.

"I'll be up in a few minutes," James muttered groggily. It didn't sound like English. No one in the room heard what he said.

Sirius pulled him out of bed, covers coming with him as he laid on the floor. He handed his glasses to him.

"Good morning!" Ivy said cheerily. James looked over to her, and then to Remus, a smile breaking out on his face.

"Did you two enjoy your precious sleep?" He said suggestively. They both blinked at him, not wanting to give a reaction because that would just fuel him.

"I hate you."

They walked to breakfast after getting everyone up and out of bed, trying to decide what to eat. Sirius wanted pancakes and James wanted waffles.

        "I don't get it. They're pretty much the same thing," Ivy said with a small laugh. They both gasped, looking at her like what she just said was the worst insult.

        "No, they are not!" James said, pointing a finger at her. She laughed.

     "They are completely different!" Sirius added on. Ivy raised her hands in defense.

        "But they aren't! They're made out of pretty much the same stuff, right?" Ivy said as they sat down at the table. They scoffed.

        "Yeah, but that's not why they're different!"

        "Yeah, if they're the exact same, then you don't have a preference, do you?" Sirius asked. Ivy tried to think of a response.

       "...Yes, but I don't care!" Ivy said as they continued to yell and argue.

        "Which one is it? Whatever you say, we'll make. You can be the deciding vote," James said as everyone turned to her, waiting for her response.

        "I mean, I don't care at all—"


        She sighed. "Waffles."

Sirius groaned as James celebrated, pumping his fists in the air as he began to busy himself with making waffles for everyone.

"Ivy, how could you?!" Sirius said dramatically as he fake cried. James was humming a happy song in victory.

Once James was done making the waffles, they ate and talked, about quidditch, N.E.W.T. scores, and their upcoming last year at Hogwarts.

"Isn't it crazy how fast time flies?!" James exclaimed with a smile, looking up as he reminisced on his past six years at Hogwarts. "It feels like just yesterday I was in first year. I didn't even know who you were then, Ivy."

Ivy blinked, smiling slightly.

"I think everyone knew who you were by the second day of your first year," Ivy said as she finished up her waffles.

"I'm just so awesome."

They walked to the living room with all the couches, sitting down and waiting nervously for the N.E.W.T. results. Ivy bounced her leg up and down as she glanced at the window every two seconds. Even Remus seemed a little on edge, which was unusual.

After a painful five minutes, five owls showed up at the window. They gasped, running over and grabbing the one that had their name on it.

        Ivy opened hers silently, scanning the list.

        Potions: O
        Alchemy: E
        Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
        Transfiguration: O
        Herbology: O
        Charms: O

        "Damn you Alchemy!" Ivy exclaimed, causing Remus to laugh slightly, peering over her shoulder.

        "That's still really good," He said, looking at his paper. "I got two E's. Potions and Transfiguration."

        "I'm surprised I didn't get an E for charms," Ivy said with a small smile, looking at James and Sirius. They seemed to be happy enough with their results.

        "Get this! Peter didn't even get a failing grade! The lowest he got was an A!" James said, shaking Peter's shoulders.

        "Yay! Good job Peter!" Sirius said, giving him a loud high five.

        They spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's company before their final year at Hogwarts.


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