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"The N.E.W.T.'s are in three weeks! What am I supposed to do?!" Ivy complained loudly to James, who was sitting next to her in the Great Hall. Remus, Sirius, and Peter were all getting help from McGonagall in Transfiguration. Remus didn't really need it even though he insisted he did, but Peter needed help. Sirius just wanted to tag along.

         "Ivy, you're super smart, you'll do great," James said lackadaisically as he looked up from the book he was reading.

        "Ugh, that's all I ever hear," Ivy responded, looking back at her homework as she adjusted the red and gold Gryffindor sweater she had on. "Being smart doesn't come easy. And I wouldn't call this smart. This is just memorizing things."

       James sighed, scooting closer and swinging a friendly arm around her shoulders. "I know it's hard not to worry, but you're incredible. When people say you're smart, they mean it."

"Because that's all they know," Ivy grumbled, rolling her eyes and looking away from James. "I know it's a compliment. And it's a nice one. I take pride in my intelligence. But I wish I wasn't just known for that. People I don't even know ask for Transfiguration answers."

"Do you give it to them?"

"Depends on the person," She shrugged, still looking away. "I wish I wasn't only known for that. I'm also in Ravenclaw, which just makes it worse. If I was in Gryffindor or something then it wouldn't be as bad, I think."

"I know it's hard, but people don't do it to be malicious," James said, squeezing her shoulders. "I'd rather be called smart than arrogant. Like me."

"Well, they aren't wrong," Ivy said, a grin slipping onto her face. James laughed, retracting his arm, and continuing to write. "At least we passed the apparition test."

"True," James said as he smiled, writing down answers. All of Ivy's friends were legal witches and wizards. She turned seventeen in two weeks, the same time as the N.E.W.T.'s.

They continued to study for a few more minutes before Remus, Sirius, and Peter walked into the hall. Remus sat down next to Ivy, giving her a subtle kiss on the temple of her face. She blushed, looking at him from the side of her eye. Remus smiled, holding back laughter at her red face. She was able to give out affection but accepting it was a different story. There was rarely any PDA when it came to them. It wasn't completely unusual, though. It seemed none of the other Marauders noticed, or they would have fake-vomited.

"How was your help session with McGonagall?" Ivy asked, looking at the three. Peter shrugged hopelessly.

"I don't know. She's so confusing," Peter said with a frown as he laid his head on the desk in front of him. Ivy laughed softly.

Sirius also shrugged. "I don't know, I fell asleep."

"You fell asleep?!" Remus asked incredulously. James laughed as Sirius defended himself.

"It was boring!"

Remus sighed, rubbing his forehead as he laughed. "It seems like I was the only one paying attention."

"Yeah, and you don't even need it," James said through laughter as the other three Marauders agreed with him. They continued to talk, about school, but soon moved on to tease Ivy and Remus.

        "A little birdie told me that you two are 'official' now," Sirius said with a smirk, causing Ivy to blush despite knowing Sirius was just trying to get under her skin.

         "Yes," She said, trying her best to remain emotionless. Remus laughed, attempting to cover it up with a cough.

Sirius rested his head in his hands, smirking at her. "Y'know, I remember when all Remus did was talk about you in fifth year. Before you were together."

Remus stopped laughing almost immediately, giving Sirius a look. Sirius pretended not to notice.

"He was like, "do you think Ivy would like this shirt on me?" or "I need to take notes for Ivy in Charms, she hates that class," or—"

Remus kicked him in the leg under the table, cutting him off. Sirius screamed, rubbing his shin. Remus put on a pleasant expression.

"I didn't talk about her that much."

"Yes, you did!" Peter said, the loudest Ivy's heard him in a while. "I was there! You talked about her nonstop. You still do."

Ivy snickered in her hand. "Anyway, how have you guys been in terms of studying for N.E.W.T.'s?"

"Awful," James grumbled, closing his book. "I have no clue what's happening in Charms."

"Me too!" Ivy exclaimed excitedly, glad to talk about her loathing for Charms. "Gah, I hate that class."

"Also, Ivy, your birthday is coming up. Any present ideas?" James said, swiftly changing the subject. Ivy shrugged.

         "I don't know. I don't need anything," Ivy said, looking away from Sirius, who scoffed.

        "Come on. We have to get you something," Sirius said with the wave of his hand. Ivy shrugged.

        "I don't know. I'd be happy with anything," Ivy said with a smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

        They continued to talk about school and Ivy's birthday for a while, enjoying their pointless conversations.


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