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        "Oh em gee!!" Chloe exclaimed, bringing Ivy into a hug. Ivy laughed as she led her to her room, where Jessica and Bella greeted her excitedly. The walls were covered in light pink paint, and her bed was a simple black and white design. Ivy sat down next to Bella, who was laying on her stomach and painting her nails bright red.

"I'm so happy you came!" Jessica said as she styled her hair, putting it into some weird updo.

"Me too! I'm kind of surprised you invited me, Chloe," Ivy said before Chloe scoffed.

"Don't be!" Chloe said, smiling and waving a hand. "We love you. And help yourself to anything in here. Nail polish, scrunchies, you name it!"

         Ivy smiled and grabbed some blue nail polish from the desk hesitantly and began to lather it on her fingernails. Chloe sighed as she plopped down in one of the comfy chairs and stretched out.

"My parents are at work. I swear, they're always away. I don't mind, though. They're a little overbearing. And this gives us time to do whatever we want without them breathing down our necks," Chloe said.

"I feel you. My parents are super protective," Ivy said as she held up her hand to look at the drying polish.

Bella gasped suddenly. "We should go to hogsmeade!"

"Yes!" Jessica yelled pumping her fists in the air and giving Bella a high five.

         "That sounds fun," Ivy said with a grin as they looked over to Chloe.

"Alright. Well it looks like we're going to Hogsmeade, ladies!" Chloe said before they cheered. Bella stood up suddenly and grabbed her shoes, slipping them on. Jessica walked into the bathroom to get ready. Ivy looked in the mirror for a second.

"Chloe, do you have scissors?" Ivy asked as she ran her hands through the brown locks on tops of her head. Chloe came up and stood behind her.

"Yeah, why?" Chloe said slowly as she handed a pair of sharp scissors to Ivy. Ivy then tied off her hair, holding the scissors dangerously close to where she was about to cut.

"Should I?" Ivy asked, looking at Chloe through the mirror. Bella began to chant 'do it! Do it! Do it!' Over and over. Chloe nodded.

"Go for it."

Ivy snipped away, bringing her averagely long hair above her shoulders. She turned to look at the back and grimaced, beginning to cut that too.

"You look so good! I have always said you rock short hair," Jessica said, walking out of the bathroom and standing next to Ivy.

"Now, for our night out on the town, let me do your makeup. I'm talking dramatic makeup," Bella said as she led her into the bathroom, immediately grabbing a pallet of eyeshadow. "You're getting a glamorous smokey eye."

Bella brushed the dark makeup onto her eyelids, holding her face still with the other. Once she was done with that, she grabbed the eyeliner and swiped it on thickly. She brushed her eyebrows and handed the mascara wand to Ivy.

"I can never put mascara on other people, you do it," Bella muttered as Ivy went to work, putting it on with ease.

Bella nodded, next putting dark red lipstick on her lips.

"You put concealer on this morning, so I'm not putting anymore on. I think we're almost done!" Bella said, adding the finishing touches to her face. She stood back to admire her work, smiling at Ivy. "Good. Fucking perfect. You can look in the mirror now."

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