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from remus's perspective


        It had been a little over a week since Christmas break. Everyone was stressed out about all the work the teachers were assigning, especially Ivy. I try to take things as they come, but I still find myself stressed out most of the time.

        Throughout the past week, Ivy and I have had conversations. None of them were about the prospects of our relationship, which I was glad for. I don't like thinking about having a girlfriend. Especially long term. I can't put someone I love as much as Ivy in danger. Not just from me, but others judgment. I don't think she understands how much some people hate werewolves, or she really just doesn't care.

        We've studied together, for the most part. She helps me with Potions and I help her with Charms. I didn't get much studying done, though, since she was sitting next to me. When she studies, she does this thing where she twirls her hair around her finger and every once in a while, she sighs dramatically without realizing. I think it's because of all the work she has left, but I don't know for sure.

        A Hogsmeade weekend was approaching and I was being severely peer pressured by what felt like all of the Gryffindor house to ask Ivy out. Especially Sirius, who always seemed to be meddling in our relationship. But I'm usually glad. He gives good advice when he wants to.

        "Dude. You've got to ask her out. You like her right?" Sirius asked on a particularly snowy morning. I nodded begrudgingly. "Right. So you need to make the next step. As of now, you're just friends who have kissed each other once."


"What?" Sirius asked. I grimaced. Why do I always have to do stuff like this. Just let things slide for once, you don't always have to be right. James and Peter turned their full attention to me.

"Um.. well, when you guys went to get stuff from the trolley around a week ago, we kissed in the compartment while you were gone," I said nervously. Sirius let out a shriek, James wolf whistled and Peter laughed.

"Now there's even more of a reason to ask her out on a date!" Sirius said, walking up to me and shaking my shoulders.

"But what if she says no? She might want to study," I said nervously as I swiped his hands away and put on my shoes. Sirius let out a bark of a laugh.

"Not if I have anything to say about it. She's going unless there is a legitimate reason she can't," Sirius said, pulling his hair into a bun while looking in the mirror.

"It'll be fine, Moony. I've asked Evans out several times, and I'm fine!" James said, offering a wide grin as he finished buttoning up his shirt.

"Yeah, and look where that got you," I said sarcastically. James kicked me as he walked by, grabbing the tie that was laid out on the floor. Ivy would throw a fit if she saw how messy it was in here.

"Just do it. She'll say yes. We all see how she looks at you," Peter said with a hopeful smile. I sighed, grabbing my bag full of stuff and walking out of my dorm. Marlene McKinnon fell in step next to me, who was peer pressuring me more than anyone, maybe even Sirius. James, Peter, and Sirius walked behind us.

"You're asking out Ivy today, right? During her one free period?" Marlene said, her long legs walking fast. I sighed once again.

        I legitimately think all of Gryffindor knows by now and I'm not going to be surprised if Ivy finds out. Her friends do love to gossip. It was Sirius who spread the word about it because last week he told McGonagall and Flitwick. It was embarrassing, to say the least. He was like 'guess what Minnie?! Remus finally snogged Ivy!' And he said it incredibly loud so everyone in the class heard him. Ivy wasn't in either of those classes with us, so at least he spared her humiliation.

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