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        "You're such an over-achiever!" James yelled, pointing a finger at Ivy. She shrugged with a smirk on her face. "You're taking six classes? Six!?"

        "Yes. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Alchemy," Ivy said with a dignified nod. James scoffed.

         "What even is Alchemy?" He muttered. Ivy chuckled for a second before saying goodbye, taking a hard right to Transfiguration with Hufflepuffs. Since so many students were taking N.E.W.T. level Transfiguration, they had to split it up. Already, on the first day, McGonagall was strict as ever.

"Nonverbal spells. Harder than they look, but give you an advantage when defending yourself against enemies. Read the first chapter of your Transfiguration book and sit quietly when you're finished," McGonagall said stiffly as the students flipped the pages.

Ivy read, tapping her foot against her chair as she scanned the pages, finishing quickly and waiting for the rest of the class. After a while, McGonagall handed out matches and instructed them to cast the match to needle spell nonverbally. Some of the class laughed cockily at how easy the spell was.

"I know it's an easy spell, but you won't be laughing once you try it. To cast a nonverbal spell, you must think of it really hard, nothing else, no distractions," McGonagall said as the students began to get to work. It was quiet for a few minutes, just the sound of wand swishing filled the room. It took Ivy a few minutes until she got it.

"Very good, Ms. Scott. You may get a head start and read tonight's homework, chapter two and three," McGonagall said, announcing it to the whole class. Ivy got out her book once more and began to read until class was over. She packed away her things into her bag and walked out as James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter joined her in the hallway.

"Now we all have Potions. I wonder what we'll be doing," Remus said.

"Probably something boring," James said with a thumbs down as they walked into Potions, sitting at circle shaped tables. After a few minutes of waiting, Slughorn began class.

        "Alright class. For the first day of school, I've prepared something fun. Does anyone know what this is?"

         Slughorn stepped aside to reveal a glimmering, pink potion. Ivy felt herself want to lean in towards it once she saw its mother-of-pearl sheen. She recognized it immediately. Her hand shot up into the air. James made a face at how quickly she knew the answer.

          "It's Amortentia, sir. The most powerful love potion in the world," Ivy began as Slughorn motioned for her to continue. "You smell what you're attracted to, so it smells different to everyone. Since it's so addicting, it can cause powerful infatuation."

        "Very good, five points to Ravenclaw. Like Ms. Scott said, you smell what you love. That can be anything. From foods to objects to people. But be careful. This potion is addicting and can be dangerous." Slughorn said. "Alright, please turn to page three and begin brewing Draught of Living Death."

As they got the supplies and pulled out the cauldrons, Sirius nudged Ivy with his elbow.

         "What do you smell?" Sirius muttered. Ivy inhaled, trying to get a good whiff of it. The steam emerging from the potion changed colors according to what she smelled.

        "I smell fresh parchment, and how it smells outside when it rains. Coffee... and—"

        Ivy clamped her mouth shut, her cheeks immediately turning bright red as the next scent registered in her head. It was some sort of masculine scent she smelled every time she hugged Remus.

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