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She said all of the information in all of the houses, she said every houses have a noble history.

"OK, let's get in." she open the great hall's door and we saw a candle floating ahead if us, in the ceiling maybe, we saw five tables, one long table for the professors and four long table for the four houses.

I saw my brother and my cousin's smiles at me. I take a look at Scorpius, he just had a poker faced, it looks like the woman was the headmistress here.

"Ok, first year line up, this is a sorting hat and it will sort you all on your respective houses." A noble houses, I look at the GRYFFINDOR smiling at me when I look at them, I just rolled my eyes, I'm sleepy..

The sorting hat just sing and sing as the three houses clap.

"If I call your names sit in here." she call every name of the students.

"Malfoy, Scorpius." He just walk with the hands on his pants.

She was about to put the hat when it shout..

"SLYTHERIN!" I laugh at him and he look at me in happy look and he said goodbye.

"Potter, A-ALBUS S-SEVERUS." What's wrong at my name?

She put the hat at my head and it start talking.

"AHH... You're having a nightmares eh?" he said as the students gasped.

"You shut up or I'll cut you out, straight to the point hat." he just ignore me. They all gasped again for what I said.

"You're noble kid, Great leader, strong mind, genius, Brave, Cunning, Ambitious, You want to be in GRYFFINDOR because of your ancestors and parents? Oh... You're having a trouble? Save? SLYTHERIN?" They all just look at me, and SLYTHERIN caught the attention.

"YOU FITS! SLYTHERIN!" I drop my jaw, and all of them.

SLYTHERIN just clap in joy, I look at my brother and cousin, they look at me in worried, mad looks.

I can't move, Scorpius call me and that wakes me up.

"You! Yes!, we're gonna be room mate!" he shrieked in joy.

"ah, yes I'm gonna sit now." I'm hungry but I'm sleepy.

I just duck my head and I suddenly felt sleepy...

I saw a girl in front of a house that is almost destroyed and she crying, I was about to take a step but I step on a branch of a tree and she stop to cry.

"are happy now ALBUS?" she ask me, and how did she know my name?

I have a bad feeling 'bout this, I felt the wave of the wind on my skin and it's creepy.

"Are you ok? And how did you know my name?" she cry again and she whisper.

"My father die along with my mother, I have no one, albus are you worried at me?" I just open my mouth in shock and I saw her smile and she raise up and she hold on the tip of the grave of his father, mother and grandfather.

"do you know where place it is?" I was roaming my eyes to look around.

Her house was so dark and her parents grave was so dirty and there were names.

"I don't really know, do you mind if I ask you?" she smile at me she's beautiful.

"You're in little hangleton, albus." she said it while smiling in creepy tone.

"I-i am going back to my school now, I'm sorry what's your name?" my heart was beating so fast.

"My name is Delphini riddle." what a beautiful name.

SLYTHERIN'S BATTLE (Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now