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We were walking inside to an Comfort Room as what Braze said.

"What are we doing here? This is Crazy."
Gracielle said, Her eyes were full of Worries and Disgusted.

"Well this is the Place who was Exactly what Delphini's Riddle chose, I guess we need your Father to Use Parseltounge." Braze said and We all sighed in Dissapointment.

"Oh! No need." Brooklyn smirk and Smile At me, Oh goodness. "Albus can speak That, One time on the Great hall, He was always speaking at in weirdly way, So Albus." They all look at me.

"You have to say 'To the Secret room Chamber of Secrets' Say all of our names and 'Let us in' after that open the switch of the snaked Water- Ok." I said.

"To the secret room chamber of secrets, I, Scorpius, Raven, Brooklyn, Gracielle, Kate, Braze, Katriv and..... Ahh Elena, Let us in." I said, They are all surprised at me and Admiring my languange.

I open the switch and It move and An Hole Appeared and It was dark down there. Katriv prank Scorpius an Push. Scorpius hit him.

"ALBUS! WHAT THE HECK!" I jump in and I roll On an stoned path and Land in an middle of The Holes.


"TWO TIMER! HAHAHAHA!" Katriv's Loud voice is hitting my ear. I heard a loud voice and i saw Elena, I catch her not to fall in the Mud.

"A-albus, Please put me down now." I was carrying her like a Bride.

"We need to save Zenaida now." She was Glaring me and I put her down.

"Youre using me to save her Albus, Nice, Use me, Go Slytherin was Really Stupid and Manipulators." She cry, We look at the place were they land.

"WOW!" Scorpius Said, He look at us and Smirk.

"What happened?" His voice were Like joking at you, I stare at him my Face was really Pokered Faced.

"Hoh! This is so Beautiful!" Scorpius change our topic, They Laugh.

"What's Beau- ALBUS!" I Run Away to find for Zenaida but a big wall was blocking the way.

"I NEED TO SAVE ZENAIDA FUCK IT!" Braze hold my back.

"Your Father And Your Uncle Ron was the reason why this big wall appear here, On the war of Hogwarts Nineteen years Ago, Your Aunt and Uncle Weasley pass through here but they go out in other way." Braze said, He was the History of Magic Lover.

"Well, We have to remove this, This big we cant use Magic because of Delphini she might Play with us." Kate said, We nod and We Boys starts to remove it.

"Ahh, This is so Hard!" Brooklyn Ask Gracielle an Water but we don't have anything here.

"I can find a Water." Elena said, They thanks her when she find a Water she use and spell to clean it, She walks towards me.

"Alb- No thanks." I shrug and starts to dig more, It was full of Rocks that fell down.
I saw a Light coming from the Other side, I starts to dig fastly, Katriv helps me also Braze, Brooklyn and Scorpius.

"For Zenaida you will do anything." Braze said, We heard an 'ehem' We saw Gracielle with Elena. Oh okay.

"Let's go." We walk towards the Stoned Path and i saw Zenaida Laying on the Floor, WHAT THE FUCK!

"Albus!" Elena said. "It has a Letter!"
And she gave me the Letter.

"Every animals wont have a Family without a Partner."

SLYTHERIN'S BATTLE (Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Fan fiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora