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The three men come closer and Seth, Rocky, Jay, Kip, Chase and I step outside.

"What do you want?" I ask them.

"Were looking for a chick named Weston Miller." One of them answers.

"She ain't here." Seth tells him.

"But she's been around?" The other one asks. "Yeah, why?" The guys don't look like Black Souls. I know every damn face from that shitty club.

"Well, we'd like to talk to her." The first one speaks again. Kind of important. What can they possibly want with Weston? Has she fucked them?

"Sorry, dude. She ain't here." I tell them again.

"When will she be back. I know she lives here with you. We've been watching her for a while."

"And why is that?" I ask. They are starting to annoy me.

"Just let us know where we can find her."

"Nope! Not until you tell me what the hell you want?" My temper starts to get out of control. Who are these fuckers?!

"Well, she kind of killed our brother." Of course she did! "Kind of? Weston never does anything half hearted."

"She definitely killed our brother." The second man corrected his brother. "What did he do to her?" Seth asks them.

"He didn't, according to the judge at the trail, she beat him to death." Shit! It's that guy who she killed and got locked up for. "Her debt was paid." Seth said to them.

"Maybe to society but not to us. She's in deep dept. We need her with us." Yeah, right! Like I would let Weston go with these ass-hats just because they say so. They clearly don't know who I am or who we are to this town.

"Well, good luck with that and really, she isn't here."

"She will pay for what she did to him. He died cold and alone. She's a freak of nature." I can't help but chuckle. Seth too. "And then some..." We say at the same time. "What is so funny?!" The first guy asks.

"You clearly haven't met Weston." I tell them. "No, we haven't." The second guy tells me.

"And when you do. You'll wish you hadn't. She may be tiny, but she's fearless and ruthless. She doesn't care that you're a dude." Seth tells them.

"We saw what she did to Sam. We couldn't even recognize him. They had to take DNA and do teats on his teeth." Yep! That sounds exactly like Weston's work. We really don't know what happened that night. She never told us the whole story.

"Yeah, well that sounds like her." Seth said. "It sure does." I agree with him. "But like my brother said, she ain't here. She's with her old man. Maybe you know him? Hero Knox? Our president?" They look at each other and then back at us. Their eyes give them away. They know who he is. Everyone does, before he took over this MC, he and Pollux worked for a hot shot and they were feared over the states. Pollux got the nickname, The Grim Reaper and Hero got The Beast. They did some crazy shit that would make the devil himself shit his pants.

"What? She's with him?" The second guy asks. "Yeah and she's our sister. If you lay one damn hand on her, Hero will chop your dick off and force you to eat it." Seth tells them.

"Where's the third guy?" I ask. I haven't seen him.

"Oh, you mean Shad? We don't know."

"Well, that's too bad. We can't have a wanderer on our property. Bring me the dogs!" Seth yells. Hahaha! The two cutest pup's in the world. I'm sure they'll piss themselves. Smooth Seth!

"What dogs?" They ask in unison. Then I hear barks and they aren't the pup's bark. This is a full grown dog, or dogs. Guess Kip called his mom. I look at the four big Pitbull's walking over the yard. Shit! They look scary.

"Oii, Boys! Get back here!" Kip yells. Ohh, I see. Kip's mother probably needed someone to look after her precious boys. One of the best things with these dogs is that they are loyal, they know all of us and they can feel the tension in this situation. They walk towards us and they stop in front of us. Kip doesn't call at them. He let their presence be a threat but they wouldn't attack, only on command but our guest doesn't have to know that.

"Let me go!!!" Out from the woods Pollux appears with this Shad dude. He holds him in a tight grip by his ear. Just like he's a little kid. I laugh. Dear god! I love that man!

"Hey boys! Hero called me."

"Hey! Please enlighten these fellas who you are." I tell him. Pollux smirks and drags the kid closer to him. Then he gives them his devilish grin.

"Well, I have a nickname. You might have heard of it, The Grim Reaper?" The three guys widened their eyes and looked at each other and then back at me. They swallow hard. Yeah, that's right, fear The Grim Reaper!

"So please tell me, why are you after my sis in law?"

"Well, she killed our brother, mine and Max's. She beat him to death. They couldn't identify him, so they had to do tests on his teeth." Pollux looks surprised but nods his head like he likes what he hears. "Damn! She's feisty, isnt she?"

"And then some..." Me and Seth say in unison again. Pollux laughed and put his big hands on our guests shoulders.

"Right. Well, you three aren't allowed to touch her. She belongs to The Beast and if you harm her in any way, I'll unleash The Beast and myself and of course her brothers and their crew and those beautiful dogs as well."

"Fine." Max mumbles.

"Yeah. We wont!" The first guy answers and the one Pollux dragged out of the woods yells "Nope! I swear!" Pollux pat the boys on the back and they jump when he does. "Good boys. Now, get the fuck off this yard. I'm gonna watch you. So don't do anything stupid."

They nod and start to walk out of the yard but Max turns around and pulls the trigger. Pollux is fast as lighting. He punches Max in the face, he falls to the ground. Then he bends down over him and lifts him up by his throat and snaps his neck. His limp body falls to the ground. He turns around and looks at the other two. They hold up their hands in surrender. Pollux grabs them by their ears and walks them to us. When I look to Seth, his on the ground. Bleeding profusely. Shit!


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