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Riley and I are on our way to the mall. We have to pass The Black Souls MC on the way. It feels weird to pass by, some of the members are standing outside with their bikes, smoking and drinking. They look at my car and whistles. If they only knew who I am, then I'm sure they would put a bullet through my skull. Especially since my brother killed their VP.

"God, I hate those losers!"

"Yeah, they look disgusting."


"So how are things between you and Vince, if you don't mind me asking?" She smiles and that smiles tells me that it's okay.

"We're fine. I love him so god damn much."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Thanks. You and Hero? You good?"

"Yeah. He's the best."

"Good." We keep the small talking going until we park the car and head inside the mall. We go straight to Victoria Secret. I want to do something nice for Hero. He deserves to be treated like a king. Especially since I put him through hell, with my stubbornness and mood swings.

I found some hot pieces that I bought. Can't wait until I can show them to Hero.

"Umm, Weston?"


"Don't freak out now, but there's three guys that is tailing us." What the fuck?!

"Do you recognize them?"

"They're from The Black Souls." Shit!

"Call Vince."


"We stay here where we are. In the crowd of people."

"Yeah." I look around us, trying to be discreet. I send a text to Hero.

[ Weston - Hey babe, three guys from TBSM is tailing us at the mall. Please come. Outside Mc Donald's. ]

[ Hero - We're on our way. Stay where it's crowded. Be there in ten. Love you. ]

[ Weston - Okay. Love you. ]

Riley seems nervous.

"Hey, they're on their way."

"I know. I just don't like the feeling of being followed."

"Yeah, I hear you." My phone buzzes.


"Hey. Talk to me when we walk through the mall. Have they come any closer?"



"I miss you."

"I miss you to."

My heart still flutters when he says that. God, I'm so ridiculously in love with this man.

"I see you. I'm behind you."


I feel two arms wrapping around my waist. "Hey baby." I sigh in relief.

"Hey, babe." I turn around and kiss him. Vince goes to Riley and hug her. I can see her relaxing in his arms. Hero puts his arms over my shoulders and lead us out to the parking lot. Hero drives my car and Riley goes with Vince. We take some detours, no one is following now.

We speed on the high way and get back to the clubhouse in no time. Hero informs the guys and then we get our stuff. We take Hero's car and head for the cabin.

Heartbeats (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now