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Riley's body is covering mine. God, I've been missing her so much. I almost lost my shit when she left and I hated myself for fucking up the fling we had. This time I'll never let her go. I'm claiming her as my old lady. I play with her long hair. I love the shade of it, it's so hot. Matches her personality. Fierce and feisty!

"Hey" she said, opening her eyes and I cup her face and kiss her.


"You okay?" she askes me.

"I don't know yet. I don't look forward to face Weston. I'm sure she will rip my balls of and feed them to me." She giggles.

"She wouldn't"

"If someone would, it definitely would be her"

"Can I ask you something?" Shit!


"What happened to Weston? Why is she like this?" I sigh.

"I don't think it's my place to tell you"

"You told everyone here last night" I hide my face behind my hands. I'm such a fuck up!

"I know. Okay, but you can't tell her that I told you everything."

"I promise. You can trust me." Oh, sweetheart. I know that I can. I'm just not the trustworthy one it seems.

"Okay, so our father was killed in Iraq. Our mother broke into a million pieces. She started to drink. Weston was 11 at the time. Seth and I did our best to make sure she had everything she needed but Weston have always been a stubborn girl, strong willed and acted out. Both verbally and in action. Our mother didn't get the buzz she needed from the liquor anymore, so she started using heroine and soon she was deep in debt with her dealers. They were sadistic assholes. When she couldn't pay, she had to pay with her body. They use to rape her all the time and always did it when Seth an I wasn't home. When They got tired of her, they used to torture her and Weston. They burned them with cigarettes and cut them with knifes. Weston was forced to look while they raped our mother" I took a deep breath.

"If she looked away or closed her eyes, they punished her. This went on for a while. Weston never told us. One night, they raped our mother and then beat her unconscious. They went for Weston, she just turned 12. They took turns raping her, beating her and burning her. I came home early that night. I was looking for them but I couldn't find them. I head downstairs to our basement and that sight was the worst anyone can see. There was blood everywhere. My mom was crying in a corner."

"Weston was unconscious. I took them to the hospital. My mom was locked up at the psych. Weston was placed in foster care but we kept in touch of course. She acted out, she assaulted people, she stole, she drank she fucked around, with whoever wanted her. One night she was beating a guy to death. The cops arrested her and she spend a few years in juvenile and when she turned 18, she was transferred to prison. She told us to never visit her and we didn't."

"Seth and I practically raised her. Our mother were never interested to raise her. Just cause she was stubborn. So I've always been the guy that saved her from everything she got herself into. I was the one who took care of her. Seth were always the funny one. They have a bond that I don't understand. So she always called me bad cop cause I stopped her to do stupid things, Seth was good cop cause he always smoothed her and still do. He's to close to her. When she breaks, he breaks and I'm the one who have to pick up the pieces and put them back together."

Riley have tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Vince."

"Yeah and when they called me and told me she needed a place to live, a year minimum, parole protocol. I was panicking but still excited. I've been missing her and now I'm a nerves wreck again." Riley hugs me and kiss my lips softly.

"You stepped up for her and sure she will be mad now but she will come around. Don't you think?"

"Maybe. I don't know. She always says, Gog forgives, I don't." Riley chuckles.

"Yeah, I can hear her say that but you're the one stable thing in her life. Just give her some space. She'll come around and when she does, just be there for her. She needs you." Wow, that felt good.

I've never talked about this with anyone, other than Seth before and we're kind of in the same situation. But to tell someone from the outside, really made my heart lighter.

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