39 - Macy's secret

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After they got back Macy went to see Patrick.


I was boiling with angry. I stepped into the room with him. The door closed and I turned off the camera.

"So you don't want everyone to watch are first time?" Asked Patrick.

"Your disgusting. I'm here to kill you. Slowly." I said.

His eyes widened.

"What about breaking out of that place together. I thought you cared." Said Patrick.

"Cared! Your the one who didn't care! You used me to get out then did this! You broke my trust! I thought I liked you but not anymore. Your dead!" I said.

He backed up.

"Let's talk about this. Prison is still getting people in. Come on my dad died and my mom. I'm the last one." Said Patrick.

"Good then I can end the family line." I said.

"Do it kill him." Said a voice.

Daisy Yaoyorozu, Mr Midoriya and endeavor.

"Go on he deserves it." Said Daisy.

"Finish him." Said Mr Midoriya.

"Do it girl." Said endeavor.

I used my wind quirk and tossed him around.

"Fight." We hissed.

He stood up. The chains had broken. He shot darkness at us. I dogged and endeavor shot flames.

"You still can't control them." Said Patrick.

I was doing so good but it hurt keeping them in.

"Really because we are kicking your ass." I said.

Wind pushed him to the wall. Then Daisy walked over there and put a knife to his neck.

"Honestly this is so much fun." Said Daisy.

I pushed it into his neck. Then I opened the door and left. The cameras turned back on after I was a long way away.

"Your mom thinks were gone." Said Mr Midoriya.

"Yes so does that girl." Said Daisy.

"I know let's keep it that way. Go before we get there. You'll be my secret." I said.


I paced back and fourth. Macy still hasn't got home. Then she walked through the gate.

"Macy I was so worried. Where were you?" I asked.

"After sitting with him I walked. Then came here. Did it take long?" Said Macy.

She was awfully calm.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Yes. I think I'm going to swim with the others now." Said Macy.

She walked off and went inside. Then she came back out and went into the pool with the other kids.

"Macy is acting strange." I said to katsuki.

"Strange how?" Asked Katsuki.

"I mean she so calm and she's hanging with the others now." I said.

"It's that a good thing." Said Katsuki.

"Well yes but it's just not like her." I said.

We both looked over at her talking with brook.

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