Chapter 30

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"Stop shaking me," I mumbled grumpily under my breath but the shakinh didn't stop.  I opened an eye with some difficulty to find the unreasonably wide grin of Alpha Bax glaring brightly into my face. I slammed my eye shut and muttered the one word explicit that said it all," Fuck!"

"I'd love to.  I am never one to shy away from a genuine invitation, " said the incorrigible Alpha Bax.

I tried the impossible, to glare at him with my eyes still shut.

"It cannot be morning already. I just went to bed," I mumbled out. My voice partially muffled by the pillow I slammed over my face.

I hoped he took the hint and went away but I should be so lucky. Instead he chose only lean over and start raining kisses over my exposed neck. I tried  to shrug it off.

"You know the longer you take to get out of bed the quicker I'll be to join you in bed. And I think you may be a little sore for a morning run. Unless of course I am mistaken," his husky words rained down on me in a veritable shower of sparks. Each hit their mark and ignited into a fury inferno.  I thrusted my pillow away and  raised heat filled eyes to his. But his was already burning with an intensity that brooked no denial. Not that I planned on voicing any.

But the alarm rang loud and piercing and I winced. His smirk was back and knowing. He knew I had wanted to succumb to his charms and would undoubtedly use that against me at some point.  I took a gasping breath to calm my nerves. 

I could hardly wait.

"I was thinking," he said as he resolutely pushed away the covers from my body and stared intently at the sight revealed. 

He lapsed into a silence ladden with quiet appreciation then bent over to scoop me up against his naked chest. He smelled strangely floral with a deep scent of musk.

"You were thinking" I prompted innocently. " I know its hard for you but do you want to continue with what you were thinking about? " I finished sarcastically but he seemed oblivious to the fact that I had spoken at all. 

"Jasmine and sandlewood," he said appreciatively if inaccurately reading my enquiring expression. 

I was carted to the bathroom and deposited unceremoniously into the tub of warm water.

"You should get cleaned up and then we will talk," he whispered huskily before abruptly departing from the bathroom.  I sighed dissapointedly.  I had wanted him to join me. But he was right there was no point in being stuck in a perpetual limbo of sexual gratification.  That would be sheer exhausting to say the least.

I swiftly washed up. Shampooed my hair and then brushed my teeth. I was wrapped in a towel when I emerged from the bathroom to find Alpha Bax lying on a made up bed and clearly waiting.

I noted then that he had that loose flowing garb for pants.

"What are these called?" I enquired marvelling at the softness of the almost chiffon like material. His was dark maroon in colour and complemented hid tanned colouring and muscular physic. I was hard pressed not to pounce and have my merry way with him.

"They are called brachs. Men wear bracs and the women langhri. I have brought you a langhri. It was my sisters. You can go shopping later and buy more. As luna you have an account with every shop here so help yourself to whatever you need."

I nodded my head not sure how to process that. Did that mean I was rich? I definitely needed clothes even if they hadn't an entirely different dress style.  Mine were already rags to begin with. 

"Here let me show you how its done," he said getting to his feet to help me don the floral print of vibrant colours that would be my only clothing. I watched with awe as he skillfully folded the loose fabric into four inches thick pleats that increased the thickness of the sheer material. He used this to bind my torso.  Lovingly curving the material around my breasts and over my shoulders then down to my waist.  He used one end to drape freely around my waist and the other end to bind that lose bit into place around my hips. The resulting effect was that of a form fitting sundress that flowed loosely around the ankles.

I stared in the mirror in awe. It looked brilliant.  A seemless dress that was absolutely amazing. Then doubt crept in Alpha Bax did it fir me this once but I doubt I could remember nor replicate even half of what he had done.

"Think of it as origami only with fabric. My sister can teach you the many methods.  Till you learn the more complicated ties you can always don the simple one shoulder tie of a toga," said Alpha Bax once again reading my anxiety correctly.

I smiled up at him happily.  This could really work. I glanced up at Alpha Bax and smiled at all he was a and all I was  meant to be to him... for him.

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