Chapter 42

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"What does my sister say about all this."

That was a darn good question.  What did she have to say about my bothers infatuation with her?

It would all come to naught if she didn't return his feelings at all.

I cocked a brow at Calvin's sudden evasiveness. Gone was his bold stare and angry proclamations. Instead he looked down at his feet before giving us a sheepish grin.

"I haven't exactly asked her."

I couldn't help my groan at that. Cal really was such a nerd. It really was a wonder that he got laid at all. It was his inherent good looks and all the grace and mobility of a cat that usually drew his unsuspecting human preys onto his lap. But Karalia was a Were. Impressing a Were took a lot more than a mere pretty face topping off what would clearly be a geeky monologue of a pick up line sprouting out of Calvin's unassuming far from suave lips.

" Look," I murmured finally. "Its late. The day was almost over. We have angry and confused Weres wanting to chomp on us. I think we can delay confronting Karalia till tomorrow."

" I have to agree," said Alpha Bax, surprising me.

I look at him in askance but he ignored it. Following my brothers out I watched the door close behind them with a decided thump.

With a sigh, I rang for a meal.

It was a mean thing to do.

Simply because the food was delivered by the slaves. Awful though it maybe I wasn't in any doubt that  I really could get used to this.... having naked men and women at my beck and call. Being Weres made them all quite splendid specimens.  But on the arrival of my food moments later I only felt deep wrenching sorrow.

I could see why Matt went off his rockers in taunting Cal to do something about it.  I could see why Cal infatuated with Karalia would want to react as he did to those taunts.

Staring into such expressionless beauty was an abomination. I felt the pain of loss. That someone so beautiful should be reduced to a thing.

"He's name was Saeed. He was the Alpha of my rival pack."

I turned to face Alpha Bax as he silently crossed over the distance between us.  I stared searchingly at his face for any sign that I should be bemoaning the recent demise of one or both my brothers but I detected nothing.

"The one who kidnapped your sister and enslaved her?"

"No. I killed him. Saeed has been here since he was in his teens.  He had been a young Alpha. Blood thirsty and naive. This was the price he paid."

I stared silently at Alpha Bax as he nodded his dismissal to Saeed. I felt even more sad than before. Tears prickled my eyes before I stubbornly batted them away.

"Have you eaten?" I asked instead.

The shake of his head was oddly endearing.  My heart warmed in compassion.  He had too much to shoulder on his otherwise extremely broad shoulders. I would have him give some of his burdens to me but that would only be possible once his pack accepted me as Luna.

I didn't see that happening anytime soon.

We ate in silence. Then washed up and made ready for bed. I was exhausted. Weary and at a loss over how to overcome the many obstacles before us.

"A day at a time," I murmured finally, sighing in contentment at the feel of the soft sheets behind my nude back I turned to face my equally nude husband.

The urge to touch him was overwhelming but his formidable expression said don't tempt it. 

But my fingers itched. So I raised a hand and placed it gently on his thigh. Giving my best shot at making the effort seem casual.  For it really was an effort to keep my touch light and not simply ravage the enticing man lying so provokingly beside me.

Did he feel nothing for me at all? Was all the lust... and affection, on my part only?

My hand ever defiant and with a will of its own drifted slowly up.

"You shouldn't put your hand so high up my thigh."

I sighed.

Then moved my hand again.  He hadn't protested to the touch only the location of my hand.

I moved it higher.

He turned his head to quirk a brow at me.

I could tell he was struggling with his ire over me and my family and the provoking heat of the newly mated that was tantalising us into action.

"Was that higher? Which way is high?"

I did my best to fix innocent confusion to my expression.  I wanted this blasted man and I am not about to play fair in getting him.

I was a Bane afterall.  A bane to his existence. I had to live up to my name and torment him into succumbing to temptations and ravish me

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