Chapter Twelve

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"Shut up Seul" Lisa scolded before she sat in the opposite couch. "We need a plan Jen" she said seriously. I nodded.

"Ill change that necklace, do you have piercings?" I check my ear if the helix hole is still there. I nodded when its still there.

She grab her bag and pull put a box, when she open it, different kinds of earings, rings and other stuff with cameras. She gave me a silver one, it loo just a simple pierce.  I grab it and try it on. I remove the necklace at gave it back to her.

"It has GPs we can track anywhere youare as long as its with you. The earpiece? We need a transparent one" I nodded and I turn to the side so she can get the earpiece out of  ear, we needed a tweezer to get it. I bit my lip when I felt her long fingers hold my neck.

I look at my peripheral her face is too close and I can slightly feel her breath on my ear. I held my breath and it  tickles my ear when she started to pull the small piece, it looks like a booger, it was safe but hurt a little since it needed to be injected to your skin so it wont fall off.

When she was finish I breath slowly when I didnt feel her presence close to me, she was busy on her things seriously, she seems serious now.

"If I get lucky tonight, if Tiffany will come tonight, I needed you guys to be alert" they nodded at me.

"Kai is tailing Tiffany now, he said shes in her company for a project. Once youre back inside tonight, the team is ready" Lisa look at me, she was serious now.  "He will be any minute now, do you want to eat something?" she stood up and look at me.

"Ill go with you" I mumble, she nodded before she walks to her small kitchen, Seulgi was laying in the couch. "Ill just have tea" I said and make a cup. "Do you want some?"

"Its okay Im good" she lean on the counter with her back and look at me crossing her armsin her chest as she watch my every move. "You okay?"

I look at her and look away, I dont know I feel uneasy. "Maybe Im just nervous" I whisper but I know she can hear me, she nod at me and sigh. I know we cant back out now.

"Do you want to stop this now?" I quickly shake my head and look at her. "No, were almost there, we cant stop this, you know that" this night we can get the lead about Tiffany, were now sure it was her behind this, the two politicians, we didnt found any evidence that will lead to them.

"I want my family safe Lisa" I mumble, I was worried about mom and Tae, Im aware we are dealing with powerful people, once they know who I am, my family is in danger. I know too well how they works.

I felt hands grab my hand giving it a squeeze, I look up to see Lisa looking at me. "I assure you Jen, your family's safety is with me, Ill make sure of it" I felt my eyes teary, then I was engulf into a hug, I was pressed into her chest as her hand wrap around my shoulder, I was stiff for a seconds before I slowly wrap my hand around her waist getting comfortable and relax in her hands.

This felt familiar, I felt like Im home, Im back to being a 17 year old kid, I feel like Im back in my fathers arms, I close my eyes and snuggle more to stop my tears, I miss my dad. She rest her chin on top of my head rubbing my back softly when I heared the door open.

"Officer Manoba--oh" I quickly pull out the hug and saw Officer Kai looking at us since the kitchen and the living room are as one. I gulp hard and glance at Lisa. We didnt do wrong right? It was just a friendly hug. Why am I even explaining!

"Officer Kai, youre he-re" Lisa stutter  and walk towards him, I just gave him a nod before I went back to my tea taking a sip carefully. My heart was beating fast.

"Ah yeah, I brought some foods" I heared her say before I heared footsteps towards the dining and shuffling of the plastic bag. I look back at them, Officer Kai was taking glances at me then to Lisa, but she seems calm. I cleared my throat and walk towards them, sitting on the chair. Lisa look at me but I ignore her gaze at me.

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