Chapter 1 - The Antics of the Aphrodite Cabin

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"Faye Mitchell," Drew's cocky voice calls from the front of the Aphrodite cabin.  Her upper lip curls up almost maniacally as I make my way up to the bowls which hold every name of every Aphrodite child at Camp Half Blood.  

My throat begins to dry; the odds of my name being picked was one out of forty.  I didn't want my name picked at all.  I take my place next to the other girls and boys who have already been called.  "That was the last of our contestants in the thirty first annual Love Games!" Drew announces, shouting for everyone to hear. 

The other Aphrodite children cheer, as if there isn't a problem with our upcoming tasks.  there are problems, plenty of them.  You see, the love games aren't just a petty game us children of Aphrodite play.  It is a cruel tradition that we are cursed to carry on for all of our existence.  I look to the other contestants and see that they are obviously not thinking what I'm thinking. They're excited and ready for this, but I'm not.  

People often underestimate the power of Aphrodite's half blood children.  They think we just look in the mirror all day fixing our make up and talking about the opposite sex.  We have discovered is that love is a weapon.  We have the power to twist one's feelings into a knot, and make it impossible to untie.  We have the power to break someone's heart, and shatter it into a million pieces without any damage done to ourselves.  

I don't like this power. It's wrong, it's evil.  But I have no choice with what's coming up ahead of me.  

The Love Games are about to begin.

Love Games (Leo Valdez/ PJO Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora