Chapter 24 - Over the Love

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Faye's POV

"Well done, Faye," Aubrey congratulates me smugly. 

The rest of the Aphrodite cabin disperses, leaving only the contestants of the love games in the arena. 

Drew arises from the shadows, appearing to be extremely content. "I agree. A well done job of bringing pride to the Aphrodite cabin."

My smile doesn't falter. "Thanks," I say bashfully.

Drew winks. "Don't mention it." She takes a second to look around. "Where the hell is Corey?"

"I'm here," he mutters as he enters the arena. His eyes seem slightly puffy, as if he has been crying. 

"Excellent," Drew does a quick head count of everyone. "It seems like everyone is here. All right, contestants? Line it up!"

Silently, we arrange ourselves into a line. Aubrey still remains by Drew's side. "Progress reports?" Charity asks in her annoying high voice.

Drew nods quickly. "Yes. I'm afraid we don't have as much time as we thought we did. Sword fighting lessons will be occurring here very soon." She glances at Aubrey for a second. "So first, I think we should all congratulate Faye for her win in the chariot races today."

My fellow contestants give me another round of applause. I blush, feeling like I'd never earn a moment like this. I've earned the respect of my half sisters and brothers at last. "Thanks guys."

"No, thank you, Faye," Drew raises her voice above the clapping. It dies out after her first word. "You brought honor to the Aphrodite cabin. You're showing them that we're not all beauty and vanity. We are warriors of love."

Warriors of love.

"Anyway," Aubrey takes my silence as a chance to step in. "So as you know, the Love Games are in full swing. In fact, we only have a couple weeks before two of our targets leave."

"Two of our targets?" I pipe up. "Who?"

There's a mysterious glint in Drew's charcoal eyes. "Jason Grace and Leo Valdez."

"No!" I burst out. "That can't be right, he would have told me."

Aubrey gives me a sympathetic look. "Sorry, hun. Hate to break the news to you."

I find myself quiet and stunned. Why hadn't Leo told me yet? "I need to go," I say, already backing out.

Drew wraps her fingers around my wrist. "We'll let you go in a second, we just have to do some progress reports."

"Okay," I obey slumping my shoulders as I go back in line.

Drew clears her throat. "As I was saying, it's time for another progress reports. Unfortunately, this year's Love Games will have to be cut short. Usually, we allow for more time But in this case, we will not be able to."

I listen intently as Drew goes on, talking about the legacy of Aphrodite. Suddenly, I understand why all of this is important to us.It's our duty to uphold the name of Aphrodite as her children. 

"Let's start with," Drew pauses for a second. "Corey. How are things going with Deliah?"

Corey blinks rapidly, presumably holding back tears. "Not very well," he coughs out. "I think I may resign from the Love Games."

I cran my neck to glance at him. His eyes don't connect with mine. He's off in his own little world. "You do know the consequences to your actions, Corey, right?"

"Yes," he utters quietly. "I am aware of them."

Drew gives Aubrey a pained look. "I'm sorry to say this, Corey. You are officially out of the Love Games. Your consequences will be decided tomorrow."

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