Chapter 19

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The door of the lift opened and Gordon was about to step out. However, before he could do so, he saw Miguel walking into the compartment. Another man followed him. He instantly recognised the man. He was the doctor who was handling Chloe's case.

He remained in the elevator itself. Miguel noticed him.

"Inspector, you're finally here," Miguel spoke.

The doctor looked at both.

"Veronica told me you went to check the CCTV footage. Did you find anything?" Gordon addressed directly to the topic.

The lift had already closed and the doctor was pressing the buttons at the corner. He then turned to face Gordon.

"Surprisingly, all the cameras were off since yesterday. I don't know why and how. It could be a coincidence, but, I'm not sure because this never happened in this hospital before. The cameras have always been working in good conditions," the doctor explained.

Gordon scratched his chin.

"One of your staffs is missing doctor," he said.

The doctor was a bit confused. "I'm sorry?" he excused himself.

"The nurse who was charged to look after Chloe is nowhere to be seen," Gordon explained.

The lift had stopped moving and the door opened. They had reached back to the first floor. They walked out of the elevator and stood there itself.

"To he honest, I have not seen her too. It's been a while," the doctor affirmed.

"The last person who saw her was Veronica. She saw her outside the building. She was shifting a body into an ambulance. Veronica said she didn't see the face of the body," Gordon spoke.

"Do you think it was actually Chloe she was shifting?" Miguel asked with fear in his mind.

"No! Why would Devine do that?" The doctor exclaimed.

Gordon looked at him with confusion. "Who is Devine?"

"The nurse. Her name is Devine. She's been working with me for years. I can blindly trust her in this hospital," the doctor replied.

Gordon led out a sigh. He bit his lips and pointed out, "But it can't be a coincidence that both Chloe and Davina are missing at the same time, can it?"

"Devine," the doctor corrected and continued, "that's true. Moreover, she always tells me before going somewhere and she was supposed to be staying with Chloe."

Gordon listened to him and thought for a second. He scratch his head. After a few seconds, he asked, "Can I have her address? What's her name again?"

"Devine," the doctor replied. "I don't remember her address, but, I can find it for you. It will take some time, please be patient."

He then excused himself. He got back into the elevator, leaving Miguel and Gordon together.

"What's happening inspector? First my daughter's body had disappeared and now my wife?" Miguel complained. He was tired of whatever was happening.

"We found your daughter," Gordon informed.

Miguel's eyes opened with shock. "Really? Where? Did you catch the murderer?" he started to bombard Gordon with questions.

Gordon placed his hand on Miguel's shoulder. "We didn't catch the person yet, but, we will. Let's focus on Chloe first."

Miguel nodded. "God knows where she is. We checked the whole building, yet, we did not find her."

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