Chapter 5

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A white Mazda pulled over in front of the police station.

Before getting off the vehicle, Alicia balmed her lips and told the driver, "Find a place to park. I will call you when my work is over."

She then opened the door and got down. She felt a chilly breeze and thanked herself for wearing a long sleeved Tshirt. She made her way into the building. Inside, it was quiet and there were not so many people. She didn't know where to go since it was her first time entering a police station. She saw an officer sitting at a desk and going through a file. She walked directly towards him.

"Excuse me," she said.

The officer raised his head and looked at Alicia. The latter read his name on the name tag sewed to his uniform.

"Justin Gordon"

Gordon raised an eyebrow at her and replied,"Yes?"

"I am here to see Chloe Davis and Miguel Davis," she said without any hesitation.

"And who are you?" Gordon asked. He was still sitting.

"I am Chloe's mother," Alicia replied.

"Oh Hello, your name?" He asked.

"Alicia Thurman" she replied.

Gordon took his pen and noted her name in a diary.

"Where are they?" Alicia asked.

"You cannot meet them unfortunately," Gordon answered.

"Why?" Alicia asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"They are guilty and-" he was going to respond, but, Alicia didn't wait for him to finish.

"What did they do?"

Apparently, Gordon didn't like to get cut off. He stood up and looked into the yes of Alicia.

He then started, "They misled us. They took us to the grave of their daughter, but, when we dug it up, we-"

"You dug up her grave?" again, Alicia cut him off.

Gordon didn't appreciate that all. He banged his hands on the desk and bent closer to Alicia.

"Mrs-" he paused and then took a look in his diary where he wrote her name.

"- Alicia, would you mind stop interrupting me," he continued.

However, Alicia was a stubborn woman.

"You dug the grave of my deceased granddaughter?" She asked again. Her eyes opened wide with shock.

Gordon took his hands off the desk and stood straight.

"Yes," he affirmed.

Infuriated, Alicia raised her finger at him and exclaimed, "How dare you!"

She shouted so loud that the door of a room to her right opened and an officer came out. He left the door opened and when Alicia turned to look over there, she could see Chloe sitting on a chair inside of that room. Miguel was next to her too. A sign of worry appeared on her face when she noticed that both of them had their hands placed on a table with handcuffs on.

She turned back and faced Gordon.

"Unlock them," she commanded.

"No way, not until we find miss Sabrina," Gordon said.

"Sabrina is dead!" Alicia shouted.

Chloe heard the voice of her mother and she peeked out through the open door.

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