Chapter 9

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It was half past eight and Drew was sitting at his desk in the police station. The building was more or less evacuated. There was only one officer who was guarding Chloe and Miguel. They were still handcuffed in the interrogation room. Tired, Chloe laid her head on the table as she weakly breathed. Miguel leaned his back against the chair and patiently waited for things to get back to normal.

Drew's desk was only about one metre away from the one of Gordon. He sat with his back straight and focused deeply in a fat book. The book was placed flat, opened on the table. He was reading something when suddenly, the door opened and Gordon entered, followed by two women. Drew had recognised the first one. He remembered seeing her talking to Gordon and leaving together in a jeep.

However, he didn't recognise the second woman. She looked a bit old due to her wrinkled skin and dried lips. Her eyelids were drooping and her eyebrows were nearly invisible. She looked older than the first lady who entered the station.

He stood up and closed the book he was reading. The book was huge. Its cover was brown and on it, a title was written in red.

It read, "Out of science's league"

Gordon walked pass his desk and saw a glimpse of the brown book.

"Still with that book officer Drew," he said as he sat on his chair.

"Yes sir," Drew replied.

Veronica and Alicia took a seat in front of Gordon.

"I don't understand why you always read these kind of stuffs, but, it's your choice," Gordon rolled his eyes.

"What is in that book?" Veronica asked with interest.

Drew blinked a few times and answered, "Just some illogical, paranormal stuffs."

"You know it's illogical yet you read it," Gordon sarcastically said.

"Well, I find paranormal things fascinating," Veronica showed interest.

Drew smiled at her.

"Yeah, they are just like fantasy stories," he answered.

"Well forget that," Gordon interrupted and turned to face Drew. "Any information?" he asked.

"No sir," Drew replied.

"Exactly what I was expecting," Gordon murmured.

"We talked to the family of the murdered man. They do not suspect anyone. They say the man was on good terms with everyone and had no enemies," Drew explained.

"Hmmm... well, do one thing," Gordon said as he opened a file. Drew approached his desk.

Gordon took out a picture from the file. It was a picture of Sabrina. He handed it to Drew and he instructed, "Make copies of this picture and then form different teams. Give each team this picture and send them to different hospitals in Waco and even to those in neighbouring towns. Tell them to investigate whether any plastic surgery had been conducted in the last weeks. If the investigation is positive, show the surgeons this picture and find out if this is the face that was reconstructed."

"Clear, but, why?" Drew asked with doubts.

"I have a strong intuition that the body of Sabrina was stolen so that someone else gets her face and with that new face, that person can commit as many crimes as he want without revealing his own identity," Gordon explained.

Hearing his explanation, Drew's mouth was left opened. He froze for a few seconds as he tried to fathom what Gordon had extrapolated.

"Officer Drew?" Gordon snapped.

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