Chapter 17

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The day passed very fast. Alicia and Veronica remained in the hospital itself. Miguel was breaking apart, hence, they decided not to leave him alone. He needed support. A lot had happened to him and his family. Chloe had been lying down unconscious since the morning. When Alicia first went inside the room to visit her, she saw many sorts of machines connected to her body. Miguel was speaking the truth. Her condition was getting worse.

At three p.m, Gordon was standing in cemetery with Drew by his side. They watched the coffin getting buried. There were only a few police officers who stood there. To pay respect to the dead, they removed their caps from their heads. Drew was successful in making the funeral look genuine. Very few officers in the department were aware of the plan.

Watching the body being buried near the tree, Gordon tapped Drew with his elbows. "Do you think the culprit will really come here for the body?" he asked.

Drew was unsure. He did made the whole plan himself, but, he had no guarantee that it will work.

"Let's hope he does. He must've got the news by now," he replied.

"What did they announce in the news?" Gordon questioned.

"I asked them to tell the public that a prisoner died this morning. The police searched for his family, but, they found no one, so, they will carry out the funeral today at three p.m," Drew summarised.

Gordon nodded. "Okay and if he comes, how are we going to catch him?" he asked.

"Police officers will surround the area. It is a large burial ground, but, we have very limited hiding spots. Some of us will hide in the cemetery while the rest will wait in their cars behind the area. We need to park in a place where no one will notice us. We do not know yet from where our target will enter the cemetery," Drew explained.

"Have you explained everything to the others?" Gordon asked.

"Yes," Drew nodded and continued, "I have made all the necessary arrangements in my car. I placed a laptop so that we can view a footage of the cemetery. The camera is even connected to my phone."

He took out his phone and showed Gordon the screen. Gordon could see himself and Drew standing.

"Clear image," Gordon pointed out.

He was impressed by the fact that despite in his 60s, Drew possessed the knowledge of technology and he operated any technological devices without difficulty.

"Good job officer Drew," he commented.

Drew smiled and nodded.

"Alright, everything is set up. Do not leave from here and as soon as it gets darker, take your positions. In the meantime, we have to stay alert," Gordon instructed and then looked at his watch.

He realised that they still had a lot of time before the sun would start to set. Gordon stood straight and continued to watch the burial.

After a few minutes, the burial was over and some of the police officers including Drew and Gordon walked out of the cemetery while a few of them remained inside. They divided themselves into two teams. Each of them had a walkie talkie. The team that remained in the cemetery made sure no one saw them staying back and they ran to their specific hiding spots. Two officers hid inside the old cottage in which the watchman usually stayed. Some of them climbed up trees and hid among the leaves.

The other team jumped in their cars and drove to the back of the burial ground. There were only three cars, one for Gordon, one for Drew and the last one was for another officer in which there were four policemen. They waited at the back of the cemetery. Behind the cemetery, there was a dense forest. Everywhere was quiet. They parked their cars in a place where there were many trees and bushes. They tried as hard as they could to stay camouflaged. After Gordon had parked his jeep behind a few trees, he hopped out and got into the vehicle of Drew.

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