Chapter 30

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Gordon and Drew were brought into the same large room. There were around eight hospital beds which were placed side by side. Gordon lied down on one bed while Drew lied on the one next to him. There was a white curtain that separated each beds. They were both being attended by a different nurse. 

After examining the ankle of Gordon, the nurse said, "It is not too serious. You will be able to walk properly after some rest."

She then walked towards a small drawer which was just next to the bed. She took out a tablet. On the drawer, there was a bottle of water and a glass. She poured water into the glass and offered it to Gordon.

"Take one of the pills and try to get some sleep. You will be fine by tomorrow morning," the nurse said and smiled warmly at Gordon.

Gordon did as she instructed and he gulped down the pill.

After he took the medecine, he asked, "There was another lady who was brought to the hospital. She was stabbed with a knife. How is she?"

"The doctor is handling her case. I do not have any information about right now, I am sorry," the nurse replied.

"Oh, no worries," Gordon replied.

"She seemed serious. Do you know her?" the nurse asked.

Gordon nodded.

"Well, do not stress out. Take some rest. I will go and see how she is doing and then I will let you know," she replied and blinked her eyes at Gordon.

She seemed to be a kind nurse, unlike Devine. Before she left, she instructed, "Please do not get off the bed on your own. If you need to go to the washroom or if you need anything else, just press this buzzer." She pointed her finger at a small blue button which was on the wall to the right of Gorodon.

Gordon nodded and replied, "Thank you."

The nurse smiled and then she walked away. The room was silent. The curtain to his right was closed. He knew that Drew was resting on the bed next to him. He slowly reached for the white curtain and he pushed it to the side to open it. He saw Drew lying down on the bed. His eyes were focused on the ceiling.

"Are you fine?" Gordon asked with a low voice.

Drew slowly turned his face to look at Gordon. He faintly smiled and replied, "Yes."

However, Gordon knew he was not fine. Drew sat up on the bed and leaned his back.

"What are you doing? Lie down and rest," Gordon instantly said.

"No no, I am fine. Thank you," Drew replied.

There was an awkward silence between the two of them. Gordon did not know what to say. He had a lot of questions to ask Drew, but, he knew that it was not a good time to ask. He had just lost his daughter. Gordon preferred to remain silent and he decided to give Drew time. A few minutes later, Gordon suddenly remembered Veronica and Miguel. He did not see them anywhere before reaching the hospital.

"Where is Veronica?" Gordon finally cut off the silence. "And Miguel?"

Drew looked at him and replied, "They must be in the hospital too. They were injured."

"How?" Gordon asked.

Drew took a heavy breath. "When we reached near our vehicles. I drank some water and felt better. Veronica called the fire brigade and when she was done, I called the headquarters to ask for more officers as enforcement since only the two of us would not be enough to search for Devine alone. I opened the door of the car and grabbed a new shirt from the backseat. Miguel was still carrying Chloe. Her eyes were closed. I told him to place her on the backseat and he agreed–" Drew started to cough.

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