Chapter 12

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Drew switched on his mobile phone and read the time on the screen.


He led out a sigh of relief and took a bite of his apple. He had been working the whole day and hadn't rest at all. He was standing outside the laboratory. Leaning against a police van, he waited for Gordon. There was only one light pole that was flickering outside. Drew was a man of patience. He became old wearing a police uniform, yet, he continued to do his job with dedication and honesty.

He was going for another bite when suddenly he noticed a vehicle approaching. He recognise the jeep without the need of looking twice.

The vehicle stopped right in front of the laboratory. Gordon and Alicia jumped out of the jeep. He opened the door of the backseat and pulled out the body of Sabrina with the help of Alicia. Seeing this, Drew quickly dropped his apple and ran towards them to help.

Before he reached there, Gordon had already lifted the body and he was making his way into the laboratory. Veronica got out of the jeep and followed them.

When Drew approached, he cringed at the pungent smell that was coming from the body.

"Is the autopsy team ready?" Gordon asked.

Drew swallowed the chewed apple that was left in his mouth and replied, "Yes, but they are currently working on the new case."

Gordon stopped and turned to look at Drew. "A new case?" he asked.

"Yes, I told you on the phone call. A new crime has been reported," Drew reminded.

"And what is it this time?" Gordon asked as he continued to walk.

Drew followed him and said, "We don't know yet, they are still working on the autopsy." 

They were already inside the laboratory. Gordon turned around and told Veronica and Alicia to sit down and wait at the entrance itself.

He then made his way down the hallway inside the building with Sabrina in his arms. Drew followed him. Inside, it was very big and spacious. There were a lot of rooms connected to the hallway. Still walking along the hallway, a door to Gordon's right opened and a tall and young man came out. The man was wearing a lab coat and he was removing his safety goggles. He focused his brown eyes on the body that Gordon was carrying.

"Where are you taking this to?" he curiously asked.

"Inside, this body needs to be examined," Gordon replied.

"I guess I'll be your helper tonight. Follow me," the young man replied as he started to walk to another room which was next to the one he came out from.

Gordon followed him and asked, "Are you a pathologist?"

The man stopped in front of a door and said, "Yes, I'm so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Adrian Steve and I've recently joined this laboratory."

"I'm inspector justin Gordon," Gordon replied.

"Nice to meet you," Adrian smiled as he struck his hand out for a shake.

He then realised that the hands of Gordon was occupied.

"Oops, let's take this inside. It must be heavy," he talked as he held the door for Gordon. The latter walked in and replied, "Actually, the body is light."

The room was painted in grey and it was cold. Inside the room, there were three large tables. There were other equipments and machines placed at the back. There were also cupboards and containers which were well closed. There was a light system over each table.

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