Chapter 3

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The voice of Chloe echoed through the whole house. Gordon stared at her with shock. Chloe looked at them with a tensed look on her face. Miguel couldn't believe his eyes.

"She is.... dead?" Gordon asked.

No one answered his question. Chloe was starting to break down.

"Mrs Davis, I hope you are telling the truth," Gordon said.

"What do you mean you hope I'm telling the truth? I saw my daughter being cremated three weeks ago with my own eyes!" Chloe yelled with frustration. She breathed heavily as anxiety filled her.

"But it was clearly her in that recording," Gordon insisted.

It was true. Sabrina was indeed the girl holding a knife who was caught in that recording. They couldn't understand how it was possible, but, they knew their daughter was no more. Miguel tried to remain calm and he handed back the tablet to another officer. Gordon had a suspicious look on his face. He observed both of them very closely as if they were lying.

Miguel walked towards Chloe and helped her sit on the couch. He knew that whatever was happening was too much for her to endure as she had a weak heart.

After Chloe sat on the couch, Miguel held her hands and comforted her. "Everything will be fine."

He blinked his eyes and walked back to face Gordon.

"Inspector, Sabrina died three weeks ago and it is the truth," he talked.

Still with a suspicious look on his face, Gordon asked, "Do you have a death certificate?"

Miguel scratched his fingers. He was starting to feel irritated by the inspector now. He had completely forgotten about the death certificate and he didn't get one.

He inhaled deeply and answered, "No, I forgot about that-"

"No worries, a death certificate can be forged," Gordon cut him off.

He sounded sarcastic to Miguel. The latter got a feeling that Gordon thought they were lying when they clearly were not.

"If you have any doubts, you can interrogate the neighnours. They all attended the funeral," Miguel suggested.

"This should be right Mr Davis. This is a very critical case, so, I can't take everything lightly," Gordon replied.

Miguel nodded.

Gordon turned around to walk towards the door, but, he stopped and faced miguel again.

"Mr Davis," he called out.

Miguel was still watching him.

"I will be back after talking to the neighbours, so, please stay here itself. To be sure that you don't leave, I will leave two of my officers here," he said as he approached Miguel.

Once he was quite close to him, he whispered, "I hope it's not a problem."

"Sure," Miguel replied as he looked directly in his eyes.

Before leaving, Gordon watched Chloe who was sitting on the couch and holding her stomach. He then noticed that Miguel was staring at him. He smiled and left. Two of the officers stayed back. They stood at the door itself.

Miguel walked towards Chloe and sat next to her.

Chloe watched him with tears in her eyes.

"What was that?" she questioned as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I don't know. I still cannot fathom what happened," Miguel answered as he massaged his temples with his fingers.

"They are accusing our deceased daughter of a crime," she stuttered as she eventually burst out crying.

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