Chapter 14

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"Bzzzt bzzzt, bzzzt bzzzt...."

Gordon woke up to a vibrating phone that was in the pocket of his pants. He made a groaning sound as he woke up and sat straight. The phone had stopped vibrating. Sleeping in the backseat of a car was never a good idea. He grabbed his phone and switched it on to see two missed calls from unknown number. It was only half past five in the morning.

He opened the door and got off the jeep. The atmosphere was cold and it was still dark outside. Gordon took a heavy breath and filled his lungs with fresh air. He stretched his arms as he yawned.

Suddenly, his phone started to vibrate again. It was a call from the same unknown number. He picked it up and answered, "Hello."

"Hi, this is Alicia. Is everything okay?" Her voice sounded like she was tired, but, worried.

"Oh, yeah. I'm still at the forensic laboratory," Gordon informed.

"Should we come over?" she asked.

"No no, take some rest," Gordon said.

"Ummm, I will go to the hospital to meet Chloe once Veronica wakes up," Alicia informed.

"Okay, have you slept well?" Gordon asked.

"Not really, I've been having weird dreams and I woke up with tiredness," she replied.

"I'm sorry, but, this is going to end soon, don't worry," Gordon tried to reassure her.

"Yeah..." Alicia replied and disconnected the call.

Gordon put his phone back in his pocket and locked his car. He then made his way into the laboratory.

The laboratory was empty and only a few bulbs were on. He made his way directly to the room where Sabrina's body was being examined. Once he reached there, he found Drew asleep on the bench outside the room. He had a book placed on top of his chest. Gordon instantly recognised that book. It was the one Drew was spotted reading all the time.

Gordon didn't wake Drew up. He slowly opened the door of the room and peeked inside. The first thing he saw was Sabrina's body which was still on the table, but, it was now fully covered with a white cloth. He moved his gaze to take a glance all around the room and he found Adrian sitting on a chair in the right corner of the room. He was noting down something.

Gordon opened the door widely and entered.

"Good morning Dr Adriel," he said as he walked towards him.

Adrian who was focusing on his notebook raised his head up and replied, "Good morning, my name is Adrian actually."

Gordon furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lower lips. "I'm sorry, I sometimes forget names."

His answer made Adrian laugh.

"Anyway, did you work all night long?" Gordon asked.

"Yeah, I'm insomniac, so...." Adrian replied.

"Ah okay," Gordon said and paused. He then turned around to look at the covered body. He pointed at it and continued, "You covered the body. Are you done with the investigation?"

Adrian closed his notebook and stood up. "About that, we have a long discussion. Come with me," he said and walked to the door.

Gordon followed him and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Adrian held the door and waited for Gordon to move out of the room. "Not wrong, but, weird," he replied.

Gordon walked out and Adrian locked the door. He then lead Gordon deeper inside the building. They walked about a distance down the hallway until they reached a staircase. Adrian climbed up the stairs and Gordon quietly followed him. He was amazed. Whenever he came to the laboratory, he always remained on the ground floor where the autopsies were proceeded. He never got the opportunity to find out what was on the upper floors.

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