Chapter 18

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It had been only around one hour or less since Gordon and Drew were hiding at the back of the cemetery. They both focused their eyes on the screen of the laptop and they paid close attention to any activities taking place in the burial ground.

Suddenly, two persons entered the cemetery. They all stayed alert. The policemen hiding inside the cemetery took out their guns and aimed at them. Drew zoomed in the footage to get a closer look at the two persons who entered the cemetery. They were men. One of them was carrying a small bouquet of roses. They were walking towards the grave in which the police had just buried the body. Gordon bent towards the laptop and watched closely as he held his breath. His heart pounded faster.

The two men reached nearer to the grave. However, they passed across it and walked towards the grave that was in front of it. The two man knelt in front of the other grave and placed the roses on top of it.

Gordon released his breath. When the two guy entered the cemetery, he thought he was close to the culprit. His heart had already started to dance with joy. He thought he was going to solve this case. Alas, his hope was shattered. The two men were just there to visit the grave of their deceased one. Gordon watched them leaving the flowers on the tomb and walking out of the burial ground.

The policemen inside the cemetery put down their weapons and patiently, they continued their wait.

Gordon closed his eyes for a few seconds and a few seconds after, his phone started to vibrate. He took a look at the screen. The call was from an unsaved number, but, Gordon knew who it was. It was the number of Alicia. He picked it up.

"Hello," he spoke.

He heard sobs. He furrowed his eyebrows and waited for a response.

"Chloe...." Alicia talked. Her voice was heavy.

"What happened?" Gordon asked with worry.

"Chloe has disappeared," Alicia sobbed.

Gordon's eyes opened wide with shock. His forehead ceased.

"What? What do you mean?" he asked. Drew looked at Gordon with confusion.

"She is nowhere to be found! We searched everywhere!" Alicia panicked.

"Okay, calm down–"

"How can I calm down right now! My daughter is nowhere to be found. She is sick!" Alicia cried over the phone.

"–Alicia, get a hold on yourself, okay, I'm coming," Gordon said and then hung up the phone call.

"Shit!" he sighed as he immediately opened the door and stepped out.

"What's the matter?" Drew shouted.

Gordon bent to look at Drew through the window. "It was a call from Alicia. Her daughter has disappeared from the hospital."

Drew was shocked by the news. "We should go and search for her!" he immediately said.

"No, stay here and stick to the plan. I'll go and look into the matter," Gordon said and without wasting further time, he rushed to his jeep that was parked behind a few trees.

He jumped into the vehicle and drove out of his hiding spot. He made his way to the hospital. He was driving at full speed. He didn't even stop at red lights. While driving, the sobs of Alicia lingers through his head.

In about only ten minutes, Gordon had reached the hospital. He rushed into the building and made his way to the first floor and to the room where Chloe was admitted. As he walked towards the room, he didn't see anyone outside. The hallway was empty. He rushed into the room and he saw Alicia sitting on the bed, next to Veronica. It was the truth, Chloe was nowhere to be seen.

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