Chapter 13

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Adrian was observing the body placed on the table. He used cotton buds to take out samples of the sticky blood from Sabrina's body. Standing at the back, Gordon observed him. He wore a mask due to the bad smell coming out from the body. Suddenly, the lights went out.

"Not again," Adrian muttered with irritation.

Gordon's hands were clean, so, he removed his mobile phone and switched on his flash.

"I'll go and check what is the issue," Adrian said as he took out his gloves. He then walked out of the room while Gordon remained inside.

Gordon led out a sigh. He let his flash on and waited for Adrian to return.

Time passed by and the light was still off. Adrian was not coming back. Gordon was fed up in that room and he decided to go out and check. However, before he moved out of the room, he shone the flashlight on the table where Sabrina's body was laid down.

Surprisingly, when he did so, the body was not there. He felt a chill running down his spine and his heart started to race. Out of panic, he started to shine his flashlight everywhere in the room to find the body. He first looked on the floor, thinking that it might have fallen down from the table. However, it was not on the floor.

The flashlight then hit the table which was on his right. Sweat beads formed on his head and he felt a shiver. Sabrina's body was lying down on that table.

"How is this possible? I had personally placed it on the table in the middle," Gordon murmured to himself.

He walked closer to the body and observed it clearly. The eyes were closed. Everything looked normal with the body. However, Gordon was filled with fear. There was only one thing going on in his mind, "How did it move?"

"Sir?" Gordon heard someone calling him and he jolted. Doing so, he dropped his phone.

He bent to pick up his phone and the lights came on. He raised his head and saw Drew coming forward.

"I'm sorry sir, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, but, the body," Gordon started to talk as he stood straight and turned around to point at the table to his right, but, he stopped immediately when he noticed that the body was not there anymore. He looked at the table in the middle and saw the body back there. He was confused. He kept staring at the body.

"What happened sir?" Drew asked with concern.

Gordon blinked his eyes and he gently scratched his eyelids.

The door of the room opened and Adrian walked in. "I'm sorry for this malfunction with the lights," he apologized and got back to work.

Gordon didn't say anything and he walked out of the room. There was a bench outside and he sat down. Drew went after him. He noticed worry on Gordon's face.

"Sir? Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just tired a bit. Anyway, did Veronica and Alicia reach home safely?" Gordon asked, trying to avoid the topic.

"Yes sir," Drew assured him.

Gordon took a deep breath and leaned his back against the wall.

"I just want this case to end soon," he murmured in a low voice, but, Drew heard him.

A few seconds passed. Drew cleared his throat.

"Sir, I have something in mind, but, I'm not sure if it is legit ," he hesitantly said.

"What do you have in mind?" Gordon asked.

"You said that you think someone stole the body just to get a different identity. It can also be possible that the criminal did the surgery on someone else, can't it?" Drew asked.

Gordon raised his right eyebrow and exclaimed, "Yeah that's right!" He then continued, "This is a difficult work. Stealing a body, stealing the face and then committing a cannot involve only one person."

"If I was a criminal and I was to plan something like this, I would perform the surgery on someone else and then after the crime is done, I would kill him. In that way, I would never get caught by the law," Drew explained.

Gordon was focusing on him when he talked. His eyes were wide opened. He was really impressed by Drew.

"Yes! Amazing remark officer Drew," Gordon complimented.

"But, how to catch that mastermind? He asked.

"Ummm," Drew was hesitant.

"Yes Drew, do you have any plan?" Gordon asked.

"Yes, but, I'm not sure about it," Drew said.

"Tell it anyway," Gordon insisted.

"I thought that we can catch him by organising another funeral," he said and paused.

"What? What do you mean?" Gordon interrupted.

"The girl, Sabrina's face has been caught in camera and the culprit will not use the same face to attack again. Moreover, Sabrina's body is with us now. So, he might be looking for another dead body where he can steal it and perform another surgery-" Drew stopped when he noticed that Gordon was staring at him. He felt uncomfortable. He thought that whatever he was saying was stupid  so, he stopped.

"-I'm sorry....I just could be...possible," he stuttered.

"No Officer Drew, I'm getting your point and whatever you're saying is true. If I put myself in the place of the culprit, I would never use the same face again," Gordon said.

"Come and have a seat next to me," he told Drew.

The latter reluctantly walked nearer to the bench and sat down.

"Tell me clearly about your plan now," Gordon requested.

Drew looked at him and started to talk, "Well, if we announced a death and bury someone in the cemetery, the culprit will get to work at night. That is, he will try his best to steal the body that was buried. And we can catch him red handed. We can hide in the cemetery, waiting for him to play his moves.

"Oh my God, Drew, this plan is a masterpiece," Gordon said.

"Really? Do you think it will work?" Drew asked.

"We will find the answer tomorrow itself," Gordon said.

Drew stared at him. Gordon gave him a smile and said, "I didn't know you were such a capable officer when it comes to planning. The way you tried to understand and decode this incident really got me impressed. How did you come up with this wise strategy?"

Drew played with his fingers and replied, "I thought of it while I was in the car."

"Alright, so, we will set up this plan tomorrow itself, but, we need a body," Gordon talked.

"We can get one from the morgue of a hospital. We can announce that a prisoner died in his cell. We will make announcements through television, radios and social media so that the news reach till the targeted person," Drew explained as he continued to play with his fingers.

"That would be perfect!" Gordon exclaimed and said, "I trust you with this task Drew."

Drew smiled and then played with his fingers. He looked down and hesitantly, he asked, "Ummm, sir, are you sure you want me to organise this plan?"

Gordon looked at him and blinked.

"Of course, why?" He asked.

Drew raised his head and replied, "No one ever trusted me with such a big work before. I've always been a constable," His voice shook when he talked.

Gordon leaned towards Drew, he tapped him on his shoulder and said, "This is your opportunity."

Drew nodded.

Gordon then stood up and said, "I'll take some rest. I will be in my car if you need me."

Drew stood up too and replied, "okay sir."

Gordon started to walk away, but, he stopped and turned to face Drew. "Take some rest you too. We have a tough day tomorrow," he said.

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