Chapter 7

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Veronica, Alicia and Gordon were now inside the house, sitting in the living room. Silence filled the whole room. Veronica's eyes were wide opened with shock as she stared at Alicia and Gordon.

Her eyes didn't blink at all.

"The same plot, the same incident," she muttered in a low voice.

Gordon cleared his throat and talked, "Alice told me that something similar happened to you."

Veronica furrowed her eyebrows and watched Gordon with confusion. "Alice? Who–"

"He means Alicia, that is, me," Alicia cleared her confusion before she could ask.

"Oh," Veronica smiled amusingly.

However, Gordon didn't smile. He had the same seriousness on his face and kept on looking at Veronica. The latter understood that Gordon was waiting for her to talk.

She started, "It's been around 27 years now." She rolled her r's as she talked.

There was fear in her voice. Goosebumps formed all over her skin as a flashback of her past played in her mind. She got lost in that flashback as her eyes watered.

"What happened twenty seven years ago?" Gordon asked.

Veronica swallowed a lump of saliva and fixed her gaze at Gordon.

"I was living in Waco in the same neighbourhood where Alicia currently lives. I was a single mother and I was actually staying in my uncle, Carl's house. My baby was soon going to be one year old, but, he died. He was a premature baby and couldn't make it. He was buried the same day he left this world. After his burial I went home. Alicia and my uncle, were with me too-" she paused and took a deep breath.

Alicia had tears in her eyes. She hated herself for reminding Veronica her painful past.

While narrating her past, Veronica was lost somewhere else. She felt as if she was reliving the whole thing. She continued, "-Uncle Carl used to guard the cemetery and that night he went to duty late. Alicia went home too and I was trying to rest. It was around past two a.m when suddenly the telephone rang. I picked up the call and it was my uncle. He was saying something. He had fear in his throat. I still remember each and every words I heard through the telephone. He was saying, 'Your baby has disappeared. The coffin is open,' and then he disconnected."

There was silence in the living room. Alicia held the hand of Veronica. Gordon certainly was scared, but, as a tough police inspector he didn't show any of his emotions.

"What did you do next?" He asked.

"I ran to the police station to seek help. I told the police officer everything about the call, but, he didn't take me seriously. The other officers thought I was crazy because I had lost my baby recently. However, I insisted and tried to make them believe in me, but, all they did was asking me to wait. I waited for about ten minutes. Those ten minutes felt like hours and I couldn't wait any longer. I got out of the station and I ran towards the cemetery. Once I reached there, the gate was opened. I called my uncle several times but there was no response. It was dark and I was scared. I rushed into the small cottage where uncle Carl used to stay during his duty. As soon as I got there, the creaky door opened and the first thing I saw was blood on the ground," she then stopped.

She was starting to feel restless as she remembered each and every detail of her past. She took heavy breaths.

"I....I..." she stammered.

Alicia placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Stop, calm down," she comforted her.

"I'm fine, I just need my anti-depressants," she said as she breathed deeply.

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