Chapter 34

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Drew swallowed a lump of saliva. He realised he had tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked at Gordon who was engrossed in his story. While narrating his past life to Gordon, Drew felt like he was reliving it. He had goosebumps all over his body. He slowly raised his hand and wiped his tears. Gordon tapped him on his shoulder.

"This is why you always read this book," Gordon said as he pointed at the brown book.

"I was lost just like you. I was not understanding the real meaning of black magic and paranormal activities. I wanted to learn about it so that I can understand why my wife was so fascinated by such stuffs. The book had all the answers and explanation. Hence, I took it with me and I shifted to Waco without informing my father. I have a lot of respect for him, but, after I learnt about what he did to my wife, i decided not to face him again in my life. I did not want to disrespect him," Drew explained.

"Uhmmm, you are very strong Drew," Gordon said as he gave him a warm smile.

"I tried to search for Devine. I wish I had put more efforts in finding her. Maybe today she would still be alive," Drew said as his voice cracked.

Gordon approached nearer to him and he placed his hand on his thighs.

"Whatever you did yesterday was amazing Drew. You fulfilled your duty as a police officer. You did not choose your family. I am proud of you," Gordon tried to boost Drew.

Drew looked at Gordon and smiled. "Thank you. For thirty five years, I have kept this inside of me. Today I have got the courage to share it with someone and I feel light. Thank you for listening," he gratefully said.

"I am glad you opened up to me," Gordon replied.

Drew dried his eyes.

"It is all over now. These black magic things and parasitic things have caused too much of damages already. We should forget it," Drew said.

"Yes," Gordon nodded. "And do not worry. I will explain everything to Alicia, Migue and Veronica. I will not tell them everything about your past and so on, but, I will try to talk to them."

Drew nodded. "I will search for Chloe," he said.

"No. Do not tire yourself anymore with this. You need rest now. Send other police officers on the search. Send them a picture of Chloe," Gordon instructed.

"Inspector Gordon!" Dr Sam appeared in front of them.

Gordon smiled at him. "How are you?" he asked.

"A bit tired, but it's normal for doctors. What about you?" Dr Sam asked.

"I am fine. Just cannot walk properly," Gordon replied and immediately he asked about Alicia. "Is Alicia fine?"

"Do not worry about her. She is out of danger, but, we kept her under observation. I don't wanna take any risk since her injury was deep. I gave her a dose so that she does not wake up for the whole day so that she does not take any stress at all," Dr Sam explained.

"Can I see her?" Gordon asked.

"Normally, I would not allow anyone, but, I can let you see her from outside," Dr Sam replied.

He then asked Gordon and Drew to follow him towards the elevator. Gordon was still limping and while he walked, Drew supported him. This time, they went to the third floor. Once they reached there, Dr Sam led them deeper down the hallway. On the third floor, there were mostly operation theatres and coma rooms. They walked a quite long distance until they reached a room.

They stood near the window and they looked though it. Alicia was lying down on a bed. Her eyes were closed and she was wearing an oxygen mask.

"You can watch her from here. I will leave you two," Dr Sam said and then he excused himself.

Gordon and Drew nodded. They turned to the window and watched Alicia who was resting.

"I pray she overcome this trauma," Drew muttered.

Gordon led out a sigh. "Do not let her know about the disappearance of Chloe. At least not until we find her body. She needs to be stress-free so that she can be cured," he said.

Drew agreed with him and then he said, "I will contact the headquarter so that they start the search."

Gordon watched Alicia. He really hoped that she would get well soon. He decided not to tell her anything as soon as she would gain consciousness. Too much had happened to her and her family. He felt heavy. He still did not know how to tell her everything that happened with Chloe. He could not understand how to explain to her that her daughter was dead and that there something else that was controlling her body. Something parasitic evil.

That journey had taught Gordon new things. He learnt that there existed things which cannot be controlled by humans. There existed things that were supernatural and out of the science's league.

The End

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