Chapter 45: The End

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I guess you could say I was heartbroken, but to be honest, I didn't feel anything anymore. I was numb. I had been in so much pain this last month that I didn't think it was possible to feel anything anymore.

It was Beau's birthday today. There had been no contact from him at all. I had been texting and calling him nonstop the past few days, but of course he didn't answer. It was like the break up had reversed this time. This time, it was him who didn't care, who didn't want anything to do with me.

The boys had been talking to him, trying to get him to see sense. But he wasn't having any of it. He was "done" with me. But today, I was going over to the Brooks' house. I had to talk to him. If he didn't want me after that, then I was going to stop trying. As much as that hurt to do.

Jai had called me this morning, telling me that Beau was having a house party for his birthday. He told me to come over, to try talk to him. I just wanted to know how he felt, if he still loved me or if he even cared. Because fuck, I was still so incredibly and irrevocably in love with Beau Peter Brooks. I was still in love with his messy hair, his bright green eyes, his insanely annoying personality. I loved his stupid, awful jokes that weren't even funny. I really fucking loved him.

I didn't know what to do about Luke. I couldn't stay mad at him, seeing as he was only trying to pull a prank. But I was angry at the fact he kept it hidden for so long. He had been texting me constantly, telling me how sorry he was.

I wondered if Beau knew what Luke had done. If he knew, would he be mad at him? Would he come back to me? I sounded so fucking pathetic. Who would've thought that I would be so hung up over a guy? Beau had changed me way too much for my liking.

I tried to push all thoughts of him out of my head, but it was almost impossible not to think about him all the time. I grabbed my phone from my bedside locker and text Casey and Maddie to come over. They had been invited to the party, and I needed their help to get ready. I wanted to look amazing, so good he'd get a boner the second he saw me. And possibly want to rip off my dress.

I heard the doorbell ring as I was laying out some outfits on my bed. My mum shouted at me, telling me she'd get it and within seconds, a blonde haired manic was rushing into my room, squeezing me so tight I was sure she'd crushed my lungs.

"Woman," I tried getting her attention. "Get the fuck off me before I die."

"Sorry." She giggled, letting go. Her blue eyes were wide with excitement.

"I'm guessing you excited?" I asked her as I took a seat on my swivel chair.

She nodded her head. "I just love dressing you up."

I rolled my eyes at her but I couldn't help but smile. Casey turned her back to me as she pulled apart her bag, flying clothes all around my room. I absentmindedly twirled the football I had taken off my floor in my hands.

"I heard what Luke did." Casey mentioned, glancing over her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm just really fucking pissed at him." She nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't blame you if you hated him." She stated as she picking up a dress in her hand.

"I don't hate him." I admitted. "He had only been trying to prank me, but I'm so fucking angry at the fact he never told me earlier."

Casey smiled softly at me. "You and Beau will sort everything out tonight."

I didn't answer, afraid to deny her simple words. I highly doubted we would work it out. We were just going to be a lost relationship that consisted of constant petty fights. But that hadn't made it any less real.

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