Chapter 20

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"You can't be serious." I said, my eyes bulging from shock. Was this really happening?

"I'm dead serious." James told me. "Bailey, it's only for two months."

I gaped at him. "Only two months? That's like sixty days! You'll be gone for sixty days!" The boys had just told me they were going on a world tour. A fucking world tour.

I was so excited for them and proud that they've gotten so far. They had gone from just Youtube videos to travelling the world, doing what they do at an actual concert. They would meet fans and have the time of their lives. The only problem was they'd be gone for around sixty days. Sixty days without the boys.

Over two whole months without them. I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive that. I barely survived a month in England and LA, how was I going to survive over two months of them around the world?

"Bailey?" James called and I nodded. "It's going to be hard on us too you know. We're going to miss you like crazy." I nodded, no words forming in my brain.

I didn't expect James to tell me this when I met up with him to hang out. James and I barely hung out alone lately, which was mostly my fault, so it was nice when we did. But the fact he was delivering this news was shocking.

"I'm so happy for you little fuckers though." I managed to say, smiling at James, even though I didn't want them to leave.

James replicated my grin, seeing that I was actually happy for them. "Thanks, it's so hard to believe though. We're going on a fucking world tour!" James sounded so excited.

"It's crazy. You went from just silly YouTube videos to a world tour." I said, sounding shocked. It was hard to believe that it was happening. They were actually making it.

James nodded repeatedly, silence slowly unraveling around us. We sat like that for a few moments before my phone started to vibrate madly against my back pocket. James looked at me in confusion when I gasped, not expecting my phone to start vibrating.

"Is that vibrating? Bailey, you really shouldn't be bringing your vibrator out in public." James pointed his finger at me, his face set in a strict-looking position.

I rolled my eyes at him with a smile. I pulled my phone out and saw I had a message from Beau saying 'We need to talk.'

I groaned loudly, rubbing my forehead with my hand. James looked at me in confusion. "It was Beau." I informed him. "He wants to talk."

James made an 'o' with his pink lips. "Why did you say no, Bailey?"

I let my shoulders rise and fall, pondering on James' words. Ever since I had said no, Beau has avoided me and Luke told me he was in a really bad mood. Beau hadn't even let me explain why I had said no. He just told me that I had to leave and that was it. I tried calling him but he never answered.

"I don't want us to together just yet. I don't want to be known as his girlfriend. It took me ages to accept that your fans all knew me as your friend. That scared me a little so imagine being Beau's girlfriend?" I admitted, shielding my face with my hands. James didn't talk, choosing to rub my back softly. "You know what a private person I am, and I'll lose that privacy by being with Beau. I know, I'm being selfish but I can't help it." I felt so guilty. I was hurting Beau out of my own selfishness.

James sighed quietly, letting his comforting hand fall back to his sides. "Here's the truth, Bailey. You're being selfish. At least you admitted it, but you are. Beau being famous shouldn't stop anything happening between you two." James' words were harsh but true. "For one, Beau will be a lot happier."

"But I don't want a relationship." I muttered quietly, unsure if James picked up my words.

"I think you do." He told me. I took in his words, letting everything unravel. Was James right? Did I want a relationship with Beau? A relationship probably wouldn't be anything different to what we were like now. We held hands, kissed, done all that couple stuff but we weren't officially together. Would putting a label on it make it better?

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