Chapter 33

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I sat out on the balcony of the second hotel we were at, looking at the view and letting the warm rays burn my skin. The sliding doors opened and I looked over, seeing Beau appear in shorts and a tshirt. He gave me that goofy smile that reached his cheeks. God he was beautiful. It was weird to think we'd gotten frisky (it's better than saying we'd fucked) yesterday. I hadn't really thought about what happened yesterday would do to our relationship, but to be honest, I wasn't really bothered about it.

"Hey babe." He winked and sat next to me on the other lounge chair.

"Hey shithead." I grinned, staring at him through my sunglasses.

"Enjoying the view?" He pointed to himself.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Could be better." Beau glared at me. "I'm kidding, you're beautiful baby!" I pouted my lips.

Beau smirked at me and pretended to flick hair over his shoulders. "I try my best."

I chuckled at how weird we were. A silence followed as we both looked at the sky. It was surprisingly warm and extremely bright (which was why I was wearing my sunglasses). The air was hot and sticky, causing me to feel slightly uncomfortable but I endured it for the sun.

"So, was there a reason for you to come and disturb me?" I asked Beau.

"Oh yeah! I was supposed to tell you that Luke is asleep." I yawned and stood up out of the chair. I took off my sunglasses and put them down, giving my hand to Beau to help him up. Beau took my hand and I pulled him up (with difficulty because of his fat arse).

"Come on Dorito, let's get this cunt back."

We walked inside and I grabbed my weapon. We left the room and Beau brought me to Luke, Jai's and Daniel's. I was in a room with Beau and James. Beau took out a card from his pocket and unlocked the door. I decided to ask him how he got that later on. I was just too excited. I hadn't pranked someone in ages.

Beau opened the door slowly and I followed behind him as he crept along the small hallway. I saw a bed peek out of the corner and I walked closer, seeing Luke's body spread out and asleep. He looked like that Leonardo Da Vinci drawing with the naked man. Thank fuck he wasn't naked.

There were two other beds in the room and they were both occupied by sleeping boys. Jai and Daniel were knocked out, Daniel's mouth wide open. It had taken us half an hour to find him earlier on, so I assumed all the searching had tired them out. Daniel, on the other hand, should be wide awake. James had found him asleep on the floor in Ronnie's room. No one even asked why he was in there, using the words 'Its Daniel.' being the perfect excuse for everything he does.

I made my way to Luke's bed, stepping over the clothes that were cluttered on the floor. We'd literally been here less than a day and they'd already fucking wrecked the place! Men, I swear.

Beau chuckled under his breath and I turned to glare at him so he shut up immediately. I shivered a little as the balcony door was open and a cold breeze had blown through, causing Luke and the others to stir slightly. I moved as silently as possible and stood next to Luke. I opened the packet I had in my hands and took out my weapon: wax strips. My master plan was to cover Luke and Daniel's legs in wax strips while they slept.

I pulled out a strip and handed the box to Beau. I warmed up the strip in my hands before slowing pulling them apart. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as I placed the wax strip on Luke's uncovered legs. He'd chose the wrong day to wear shorts. Luke barely stirred (thank god for deep sleepers) and I proceeded to cover his legs in wax strips.

I rubbed the wax into his leg slowly so he wouldn't wake up but halfway through the third one, Beau mumbled something under his breath. I glanced at him and he had his arms crossed and a sour expression on his face.

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