Chapter 17

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I swallowed the little white pill and threw the packet into my bedside table. Thank god for the morning after pill, I thought. I sighed loudly, realising it was Sunday. I had school tomorrow. Yay.

It sucked that Jai, Luke and James had left school. I was basically alone now. Well, I had Casey so it wasn't so bad but I still had to finish the year without them. Maddy didn't go to Penola with Casey and I so it fucking sucked.

I couldn't wait to finish school. It was a hell hole. All I wanted to do was leave as fast as I possibly could and get the fuck out of there. It wasn't even the school that pissed me off, it was the people. They were horrible to James, Jai, Luke and Beau for perusing their dreams and becoming the Janoskians. Assholes. I assumed they were mean to Daniel too, but he didn't really talk about it.

I decided to go out and play some footy, since sitting in my room complaining to myself about school wasn't fun. I grabbed the soccer ball and headed out to my small garden. The grass had been freshly cut and I was enjoying the weather, knowing it would only last a while since it was the beginning of Autumn.

I was kicking the ball around, dribbling it and the usual footy stuff, when I heard my mum call me from inside the house. I groaned loudly, kicking the ball into the net and running inside. She was in the kitchen with her arms crossed and her glasses balancing on the top of her nose. "Yes?" I asked her in a bored tone.

"Beau is outside the house waiting for you." She told me. I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. He'd never told me he was coming over?

"Did he say why?" She shook her head and went off. I heard her shout something out the white front door and a familiar laugh boomed down the hallway.

Beau appeared at the kitchen door, his hair dishevelled and a smile on his face. He whispered something to my mum and she chuckled, leaving us alone. I stared at him in confusion. As soon as he smiled at me, butterflies erupted in my stomach and I replicated his grin. He walked over to me and pulled me up, sitting me on the counter and wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my lips for a brief second.

"Well hello to you too." I greeted him, a little stunned. He laughed at me and fixed his messy hair, pulling his usual snapback over it.

"Thought i'd come and say hi." He explained, his arms still around my waist.

I pressed my lips to Beau's, the warmth of his lips protruding against mine before pushing him away and jumping off the marble counter. I already missed his lips on mine but I wanted to talk to him. I ran into the sitting room and sat down on the cream leather couches, Beau doing the same. I crossed my legs in front of him and smiled.

"So you missed me?" I teased him, taking his snapback from his head and putting it on my own. He pouted his perfect lips before smiling.

"Yes, I missed you." He admitted, his cheeks reddening a little.

"You're blushing!" I shouted, making him blush more. I let out a little giggle at the fact he was blushing over me. He was ruining his manliness.

"I love that sound." He said, out of the blue. I waited for him to go on. "Your giggle."

I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him. He made me sound like a girl. Not that I wasn't but I hated when guys made me out to be a girly girl who giggled and batted her eyelashes. That stuff made me want to vomit. I felt like retching with just the thought of it.

Beau gave me a half smile and I let the butterflies in the pit of my stomach take over. I couldn't stop what I felt for Beau anymore. I had hated the thought of ever feeling anything like that for him but now, it felt natural. I honestly liked liking Beau. I guess, before I was nervous he wouldn't like me back and that things would change between us, but they hadn't The only thing that had changed was how violent I was towards him and our fights.

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