Chapter 9

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I pulled my long brown hair back into a pony-tail as I waited for Daniel to kick the ball towards me. He smiled and winked before kicking the football as hard as he could at me. I quickly jumped up, catching it in my hands. I passed it back and forth between my hands, smirking at Daniel.

"I told you that you can't beat me." I said sweetly, flinging it at him. He scowled at me. He caught the ball and placed it on the grass.

"Cunt." He muttered under his breath.

He tried scoring a goal again, but I caught it once more. He sighed in frustration.

"Ready to give up?" I teased him. He threw the ball at me and walked away. I laughed at his angry expression and followed him, dribbling the ball between my nimble feet.

Luke was laying on the grass, staring at the light, cloudless sky, along with Aaron and Jai. I smiled and skipped over, jumping on Jai. He groaned in pain and pushed me off him. I rolled on the lush green grass, laughing at his pained expression.

"Bailey! Go away!" He shouted at me.

"Pussy." I muttered under my breath. Jai heard and he rolled his eyes, giving me a half smile as he shook his head.

I noticed Luke's curls coming through as my gaze shifted to the brown haired boy. I admired his lip ring before turning to look back at Jai, who had caught my staring of Luke and winked.

"So you and Luke then?" I felt a small blush rise on my cheeks and I shook my head at him.

I crossed my legs as I sat down, pulling the thin grass from the ground. Luke sat beside me, draping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me in. He pressed his forehead to mine and winked at me. I felt myself gazing into his gorgeous eyes before I slapped his hand away viciously, growling. He laughed at me, shaking his head. I glared at him, making my eyes turn to slits as he chuckled.

"Its only to make Beau jealous. We're not really dating." I told Jai, who watched me suspiciously.

"Why do you want to make him jealous? Do you like him?" Aaron asked me, wiggling his eyebrows.

I bit down on my lip, watching the grass move slowly in the light breeze. I felt my cheeks heat slightly at the thought of liking Beau.

It was weird admitting I had feeling for the annoying prick. He was my best friend. I didn't want some cliche relationship where best friends fall in love. Honestly, I just wanted to forget about him. I didn't want to feel anything towards the brown haired boy. I wish my feelings for him would disappear. They could go all Amelia Earhart for all I cared.

"I fucking knew it! I fucking knew you liked Beau!" He jumped up, shouting his words as loud as he could.

"Jai sit down and be quiet! Beau might be coming here and he might have heard you!" I said harshly. Jai flipped me off and I rolled my eyes.

Daniel had been watching me carefully. I looked over at him, tilting my head in confusion. His eyes wandered me.

"You're going to ruin your friendship with Beau." Daniel's words were plain and simple, but they hurt.

He was right though. Making Beau jealous was a terrible idea, and I knew that when Luke had thought of it. Either Beau would tell me how he really felt about me or he'd decide we were officially over. And I couldn't handle either.

So Beau and I were fighting. I told him I never wanted to see him again, but I knew that wasn't true. Deep down, I wanted to see him every second, every day. I wanted to be with him, laugh at his jokes and prank people. I wanted him to annoy the hell out of me.

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