Chapter 2

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"Why are you so annoying?" I asked Beau, who was sitting across the table from me in his house. He had been poking me from across the table and annoying me for the last twenty minutes. Jai walked in and sat next to me.

"Yeah Beau, why are you so annoying?" He repeated. Beau stared at him, silently.

"ANSWER YOUR FUCKING KEEK WAR!" He screamed. Jai rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Are you sick of this too?" He asked, ignoring Beau's screaming voice. I nodded, sighing.

"It makes me want to punch him in the face." I replied. Jai nodded in agreement. Sure the whole keek war with Jai was funny at the start, but now it was just annoying. And the fact that he'd gone as far as smashing Jai's window? Yeah, way over the line.

"Jai, just answer the keek war." I heard Gina say from the kitchen. I laughed at her. The Brook's family was crazy. Gina actually laughed at her son's craziness. I loved it! Gina was like a second mother to me. She acted like a teenager most of the time.

"I SHALL NEVER GIVE IN!" Jai shouted, running away and into his room while waving his hands about like a manic. I looked over at Gina who had now entered the lounge room and saw her shake her head.

"I've raised such strange children..." She muttered, making me laugh. Too right she had. I stood up, heading to Jai and Luke's room, flicking Beau's ear while walking out. He yelped. Pussy, I thought.

I made my way to their bedroom, plopping on myself on Luke's bed. Luke groaned, half asleep. Yes, it was three P.M and Luke Brooks was in bed. Lazy shit. Actually, I would probably still be asleep if I hadn't been woken by Beau and Jai jumping on my bed this morning. I'd have to get my mum to stop letting the idiots into my room.

"Lukey Pookey." I said softly, trailing my hand down his spine. I felt him shiver. Jai was looking at me strangely, his head tilted to the side.

I slowly led my finger along his spine, putting a slight pressure on him. He moaned. I heard Jai chuckled quietly. Then I put my finger on his shoulder blade, finding the knack between the bones. I pressed down on it, making Luke scream out. And I do not mean scream in that way. I mean it sexually. I burst out laughing,  as did Jai.

Luke shoot up out of his bed, glaring at me. "YOU HOE! YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!" He yelled, his face bright red. I held my stomach, still laughing.

"Your..." I started to say through laughing "Orgasm..." I took a breath. "Is hilarious." I finished, my stomach hurting as more laughter erupted.

"You sound like a dying whale!" Jai screamed out through the howls.

"Fuck you, you cunts!" Luke scolded, pushing me over and slapping Jai across the head.

Beau suddenly entered the room, his eyes wide and looking oddly worried. He spotted me and ran over, putting his arm on my shoulder and sitting me up as Luke had pushed me to the floor and I was too busy laughing to sit up.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, pure concern in his voice. "Did one of these cunts hurt you?" I stared at him in confusion. He thought that was me screaming? "Because if one of them did, i'll fucking kill them." I felt a smile grow on my face. One of the rare times when Beau was being nice and caring to me.

"No, that was Luke's orgasm. Bai done this weird thing with his shoulder blade and he had an orgasm." Jai explained. Beau looked at Luke, who was looking pretty pissed off. To make it worse, Beau immediately burst out laughing.

After a few more minutes of laughing at Luke's hilarious orgasm, and trying to do it again which resulted in several slaps, Beau turned serious. "Tell me how to do that." He said. I was a bit cautious about telling him. It fucking hurt when someone done that to you! I smiled at him devilishly. I knew two ways to make someone orgasm.

"Give me your knee." I said, putting my hand out. Beau put in his leg in my hand, eyeing me cautiously. I laughed at him when his eyes turned to slits.

I put my fingers on Beau's knee, arching them so they each touched his knee in a circular shape. I felt his leg shiver at my touch. Smirking, i pressed down as hard as I could and spread my fingers out, making Beau moan. He took his leg from me fast, cradling it in his arms as a smile grew on his face.

"Well, at least you don't sound like a dying whale." I said, causing glares to be shot from Luke and smiles from Beau.

He put out his hand, ushering me to do what he had just done. I put my leg in his hand, knowing it wouldn't work. He tried it, and failed. I smiled evilly at him.

"Why doesn't it work on you?" Beau asked me, sounding quite desperate. I shrugged my shoulders. "Can you teach me the shoulder blade way?"

"I don't know... it hurts." I replied, rubbing my shoulder at the thought of it. Beau pouted his lip, widening his eyes. I turned away, desperate not to let it effect me. Beau put his hand under my chin and turned my gaze back to him. I sighed and gave in. No one can resist the Brooks puppy dog face. Stupid Gina for making her children so fucking cute.

So I showed him how to press on the gap between the bones. And that arsehole done it to me. The problem with that was when someone done that to me, I was really, really loud and it was a horrificly real sound. Its like a full on porn star orgasm.

Jai, Luke and Beau stared at me after Beau had done it. Speechless. I felt my cheeks hit up and I turned my head to hide my embarrassment, then hid myself in my hands.

"You cunt." I said to Beau, punching his arm. He instantly lost his speechless state and winked at me.

"That was fucking hot." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. "Maybe someday i'll make you moan like that." I narrowed my eyes. He was revolting.

"You wish, pretty boy." I spat. Sometimes, Beau could be quite distrubing. To be honest, he was disturbing all the time.

"Can you teach me that?" Jai begged me, pleading me like Beau did. I shook my head.

"No! You'll do it to me all the time! I know you too well! You're all pricks!" I stated, flinging my hands in the air dramatically.

"I'll get Beau to teach me." He announced, pouting his lips and nodding his head towards Beau's direction. I growled.

"Why am I friends with you dickheads?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Because we're sex gods who you want to fuck?" Beau predicated, waiting for me to answer.

"I wouldn't touch you if you were the last person on this planet." I snarled, narrowing my eyes again. Beau was always like this. Stupid teenage boys who were obsessed with sex. Luke and Jai left the room. They usually left when Beau and I got into little fights like these, because it usually ended in my punching Beau.

Beau didn't reply. He just gazed into my eyes, his breathing heavy and his body moving closer to mine. Beau's hold on my deep brown eyes dropped to my lips for just a millisecond. I felt my heart pace quicken. Was Beau going to kiss me?

Beau's hand touched my hair, playing with it for a second before cupping my cheek gently. He smiled at me, not his sexy smile he used to say dirty things, not his smirk, just a one hundred kilowatt smile that warmed me and if it was possible, my heart race even faster. What the hell was going on? Beau closed his eyes, leaning in. All I could think was: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, my best friend was going to kiss me. Millions of thoughts ran through my mind as Beau brought his lips closer and closer. I felt his lips press against my forehead. Not my lips. I mentally sighed.

"Oh and Bailey? I do wish." He whispered, barely audible. He wished what?

He then stood up, flashing me a smirk. "You so want me." He said before exciting the room. I rolled my eyes. Same old Beau.

Why did he kiss my forehead? Why had he gone to kiss my lips? But really only question I had on my mind was, why the fuck did I feel so disappointed?

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