Chapter 8

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Luke gaped at me when I told him I might have a crush on Beau. I waved a hand infront of his face, trying to get his attention. He snapped out of whatever daydream he was in and smiled at me.

"I have a plan." He stated. "I bet you're jealous of Kaitlyn, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of it myself. Was that why I had felt sick at the thought of him with her? why I had wanted to punch her everytime I saw her with him?

"I guess I am." I admitted to him.

"Well how about we make Beau jealous?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Make Beau jealous? Why would Beau be jealous anyway? Unless he actually liked me.


"Simple. We pretend we're dating." I took in Luke's words.

I crinkled my nose in disgust as I thought about having to do couple stuff with Luke.

"Wait. Will we have to kiss?" I shuddered at the thought of kissing Luke. He was my best friend. It would be so weird to have to kiss him. I really didn't like Luke's plan.

"Only in front of Beau. Come on! it'll be funny!" Luke begged me. "We can laugh at how mad he gets. Remember when he caught James and you wrestling? And he thought you two were doing the dirty?"

"That wasn't funny. You weren't even there!" I pointed at him, my face probably looking angry. What good would fake dating Luke do? No good at all, that's what.

"Daniel and me were close! We saw it all. It was pretty funny." I felt a smile start to form on my face. "See? It was funny."

"Thinking about it now, it was slightly funny. Anyways, why do you want to fake date me?"

"I think it'll be fun to piss off the cunt. It'll be like a prank." Luke said. He smiled at his plan, obviously pleased he thought of it.

I thought about it. Doing this, I would find out if Beau liked me or not. I would be able to pull a major prank on him and get back at him for hurting me. The only problem would be if I somehow ended up liking Luke, but I very much doubt that would happen. I wasn't keen on doing couplish things with Luke, but it seemed like an okay plan. It just felt too fan fiction for me. Yes, I read fan fictions. A lot of them actually.

Luke was waiting for my answer patiently. I mean, what would be so bad about kissing Luke? He was attractive, funny, everything a girl wanted and more. It was only lips touching lips... It better be only lips touching lips. I swear to god, if he tried anything on me, would ruin that perfect face off his.

"Do we have to make out?" I asked him with a sickened look on my face. He laughed at me but shrugged his shoulders.

"You never know..." He winked and I gagged.

"Ew." Luke let out a small chuckle. "So we're officially fake dating then?"

"Bailey Ann Jones, will you be my fake girlfriend?" He asked in a posh accent. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Of course I will, Luke Anthony Brooks." He pulled me into a hug and tapped my nose with his finger.

"Now lets go scare Beau."

We left Luke's bedroom hand in hand. We had to make it believable right?

Beau was in the kitchen, searching the fridge. The egg was gone, and Kaitlyn was cleaned up too. She was sat on a wooden chair watching Beau rummage through the fridge. I glanced at Luke who was staring intently at Beau. Beau turned around and stopped when he saw us. I don't know why he became so emotionless when he saw us. He looked so empty. No expression what's so ever.

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