Chapter 23

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"Woah, what?" I leaned back from Beau, staring at him in shock.

"I thought we'd... You know." Beau raised his eyebrows, waving the silver packet in the air.

"And you expected me to do it? We're not even dating, Beau! " I explained in a harsh tone, my eyebrows raised.

Beau's expression changed slightly, a little bit of anger replacing the confusion. His eyes were trained to mine as he spoke to me. "Why not? You've done it before, it's not like you don't know what to do." Beau seemed to regret what he said at once.

I gasped quietly, completely shocked. It hurt that Beau, of all people, thought that about me. Did he think I was a slut? Easy? Is that why he liked me? I couldn't believe him! He had no respect for me at all!

"I can not believe you! Do you think I'm easy? Is that why you like me? Or do you even like me at all?And really? You want out first time to be in a fucking car?" I screamed at him.

I felt my face grow red but I didn't care. I was furious. I couldn't believe he'd expect that from me. Yes, we made out but I wasn't willing to go further, not yet. I wasn't a virgin but it was still scary! And I didn't exactly have the best experience the first time around.

"Of course I like you! Bailey, I'm sorry, it came out the wrong way, I didn't mean it like that!" Beau tried to explain but i wasn't listening. I was so mad at him! Why did he have to ruin everything? Why couldn't he stop being an asshole for five minutes? Was it that hard for him?

"Don't even talk to me. I'm so mad at you right now. " Beau shut up immediatly.

I was still straddling Beau which made it extremely awkward. I wasn't going to sit in the car with him the whole ride back so I climbed off him, grabbed my bag that was on the floor and got out of his car. I took my hoodie and pulled it on, zipping it up and throwing my t-shirt in my bag. I slammed the door so hard I heard Beau curse. Maybe I was overreacting but right then, I didn't care. He'd basically called me easy. I am not easy.

I stomped up the pathway, a scowl set on my face. He clearly didn't care about me at all. I rummaged threw the pockets on my small bag, finding my phone and taking it out. I typed in Daniel's name and rang him.

He picked up almost immediatly. "Hello?" He said in his sleepy voice and I smiled a little. He sounded so dopey. He must've just gotten up.

"Hey Skip, it's Bailey. Um, we had a fight. Can you come get me at the beach?" I didn't even have to say our names, I knew he'd know straight away who it was.

I heard him sigh at the other end and I stared at the ground, feeling guilty at having to call him. "I'm leaving now. You okay?"

"I'm fine, just really angry.. I'm sorry for having to call you."

"Bai, it's fine. You can call me whenever you need me. I'll be there soon." He hung up the phone and I let out a frustated sigh. I hated this. I wish we didn't fight so much. I was still extremely pissed off but I felt a bit of sadness starting to creep up on me. Would this be a fight we'd get over quickly? Or would it be the fight that finished us?

I decided I wasn't going to get upset over this. I wasn't one of those girls who cried. I was tough, I could handle this. I always had.

I looked over at Beau's car. I could see him in the front seat, and he had his head pressed against the rubber steering wheel. His hands gripped so tightly around it, I could see his knuckles turning white. He sat back in the seat and I noticed his chest heaving before he grabbed a hold of his hair, squeezing it. I was just about to walk away when I saw him punching the steering wheel.

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