Dorm Sweet Dorm

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Today's a foggy day🙌

I prefer Lycans Over Vampires......but I used to be a vampire freak. I loved everything about them.

But now Shira rules my heart.

This chapter I dedicate to @HoodedXArcher for writing the Chronicles of the Hooded Archer and Marshmallow Spy❤️


Alpha Naiyla Corvin

Finally back at the dorms. Even though it was 3 in the morning here.

My father just took a plane straight back home because "I can handle helping the Lycan Guard getting comfortable by myself".

I noticed as we were gone that they built two new buildings to house the Lycan Guard a couple miles away from the dorms.

It was pitch black as I walked toward the dorm. Francis basically ran to the dorms to get out of the dark.

I wasn't running no where.

Micah had to talk to Mark immediately about an attack on the borders and left with a sad glance back at me.

I felt terrible about the whole situation. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was. I wasn't even mad anymore.

I just wanted to make sure he wasn't mad at me. I mean what if he didn't care about me at all like I care for him?

I mean what if he only wanted me for my name? Like most other male Lycans did.

You know he would never do that to you.

I don't know what I know Shira! What am I supposed to know? Why don't you help me with this?

I really want to Naiyla but I can't be there for everything you do. I can't give you all the answers. You have to do some of the work to make you stronger. This is one of those things that will strengthen you.

I sighed and felt as someone was watching me.

The whole time I walked I felt eyes on me.

As I got closer to the building the feeling of being watched increased. I ignored it before thinking it was a forest animal but now that I felt a pair of eyes on me, People's eyes, I was suspicious.

I stopped in my tracks and scanned the area to see a pair of eyes glowing in the night.

Bright red eyes.

A rogue vampire.

I growled and set my things on the ground. Since I was still about a mile off from the school and walking through the forest the chance of Wolves getting killed was slim.

The vampire hissed and stepping out to a spot where moonlight shone through the over growth.

His features looked kinda normal. Black hair, tall, and red eyes.

He would be attractive if he was still sane but as you transition into a rogue your body becomes more lanky and thinner.

But don't let that fool you. They are still just as strong.

"Leave now before I kill you." I said. Shira was pushing herself to the surface making it hard to keep any thought that were rational at the forefront of my mind.

The only thing coursing through her mind was,

Kill him! Rip him apart!

"I can't leave without you. Naiyla." he said smirking.

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