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The stab of a stiletto on a silent night,


"Dada! Dada! Tell us how you lost your arm!"
"Yeah daddy! Pleaseeeeee!"
Erwin smiled, contently at his son, he grabbed the little boy, sitting him down into the couch next to him.

His other son, with a pacifier in his mouth, crawled onto the couch, playing with his father's bolo tie, that once signalled his position of commander.
Their father started to explain the gruesome story, of how he was trying rescue his comrade Eren Yaegar, and how the Titan came out of nowhere, biting his arm. Erwin went to scream his favourite part, but the raven haired boy, jumped excitedly onto the coffee table, yelling at the top of his lungs,

Erwin couldn't help but to laugh abruptly at his child, acting just like him.

"Kids, your father told you this story a million times.. you already know how it works."
Their mother entered the room, holding a tray of both herbal teas for the younglings, and coffee for her husband and her.

She sat down the tray, giving Erwin his coffee, which he thanked her for, and gave the blonde boy with blue, sapphire eyes, cooled down tea in a sippy cup.
Chun Hei took her oldest boy, off the coffee table, setting him onto the floor, which she bent to his height, holding a pill in her hand.

"Open, darling."
The boy did so happily, his mother laying the pill in under his tongue to dissolve.

She patted him on the head, while she got up,
"Good boy."
She praised, happy to that he had gotten into the routine of taking the horrid pills. Yes the government had given Chun Hei pills to help repress his Ackerman Bond from ever forming.

She took a seat beside Erwin on the couch.
Chun Hei rested her head on Erwin's shoulder, sighing peacefully as the brothers played in front of them.
"Aren't our boys beautiful?"
She questioned, to which Erwin turned his head, giving a simple kiss on the forehead.

"Yes, yes they are, and so is my wife. I am blessed with such a beautiful family."

Lao came over, hugging his dad, quickly, earning a grunt from Erwin due to shock value.
"I love you dada! I don't want no other dada than you!"

To herself, Chun Hei frowned at the words, trying her best not to cry in front of her son.

"Okay, go play, me and mommy has to do the dishes."
Erwin told his kids, to which, they ran off from the dinning table, more than happy to finally get away from broccoli and Brussel-sprouts.

Erwin brought the dishes from table, over to Chun Hei, already washing the dishes she had used to cook the food.
Erwin placed the dishes in the sink, placing a kiss onto the top of her head, as he stood a full foot in taller of her.

"It was delicious, Love."
He told her, starting to dry the dishes she already had washed.

"I love you, Erwin, I really do."
She mumbled, her view not leaving the dish she was cleaning. Erwin simply sighed, knowing all the guilt she felt.

About him, about Lao, about Levi.

"Is this about what Lao said to me earlier?"

"Chun Hei.. I love that little boy more than Levi could've ever... he's my son. I've been there since his first breath in this cruel world. He's always has been and always will be my son, and I'll always be his dad... even when he's old enough to know the truth."

"You're right."
Chun Hei smiled, pitifully, trying to relive herself from the guilt she did feel. She finished up the last dishes, handing over to Erwin to dry.

When their hands had touched, Erwin leaned down, giving her a tiny, and quick kiss on the lips, they both smiled throughout it.
Suddenly two little, child-like giggles were heard, along with tiny feet running.

"Mama and dada kissed~! Mama and Dada kissed~!"
Lao cheered, teasing the two adults like he almost always did when he seen them showing affection towards one another.

The young one, Erwin's biological son, Chen, took out his pacifier for a split second to say,
"Dada. Mama. Why?"
Placing his binkie back into his mouth as so.

Erwin laughed. He was so happy and bittersweet in the family he created, he loved everyone. His wife, his kids, his brother in law.
He ran over to his sons, tackling them down, playfully.
"Because I love your mother~! So much! And I want the whole world to know, my dear Chen!"

"Kissing is gross, touching is gross, full of germs."
Lao said, bluntly, just like his father, he was also a bit OCD.

The father and sons went back into the living room, where they agreed to play dinosaurs.
Chun Hei sighed peacefully, placing back the last dish, Erwin had dried, into the cabinet it belonged to.
She turned around, checking through the daily mail brought to their home.
When flipping through, there was an odd letter.
There was no address, just purely:

Chun Hei

And when she opened the letter it only said:

No matter what man you marry, and how many kids you bare with him, I'll always be somewhere near.
You can't get rid of me.
Not in this lifetime, not in the next.

It crept her out to say the least. Uneasy, she ran over to the wood stove, to which she chucked the letter into it, letting the papers burn.
Still uneasy, she went over to Erwin, who sat on the living room floor, waiting for the boys to carry out their toys.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, he held her hand, kissing the back.

"Hey Erwin?"
"Yes, my love?"
"Can we move?"
"But... we already moved from the house you and Levi owned, what do you mean?"
"Out of this country... far from this country."

By now, Erwin led her over to in front of him, sitting her on his lap.
He played with her hair, which she had dyed back to dark brown, and cut short at shoulder length.
"No matter what happens, I'll always protect you and the boys... you don't need to worry."

"Alright, my love."

On cue, the boys ran out, holding their toys.
Chen had took out his pacifier to speak again,
"Will mommy play with us?"
"Of course!"
She cheered, nose kissing the little blonde boy, as her other son with grey steel eyes, played with his mother's hair, his smile as innocent as possible.

They were a happy family, that had a happy ending.

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