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And I'm cold, yes I'm cold,


Mr. Oh had entered the room alone, a few minutes before Doctor Min had. From his stance I could see he was nervous to be in the room with such a monstrous creature like me without the help of the lady.

"It's a good day, isn't it, Levi?"
His stern voice suited for intimidation had asked while undoing my leather belts.

"Where's the brat doctor?"
"Doctor Min Chun Hei? She is currently with patient Erwin Smith, he ended up having a panic attack mid-session."

Once my arms were released, I simply sighed at the release of pressure.
I missed having my mobility, I never thought I would say this, once the titans were defeated but; I was in dire need of using ODM gear, just to loosen some muscles.
Then again another way I could loosen my muscles would be to strangle this bastard.

At first glance he's your typical bodyguard, jacked with muscle and protein, but I knew half of his strength was just looks to intimate the patients here.
It didn't bother me though, remember, I'm basically a god himself with all this strength provided by my Ackerman Bond.

Though it did cross my mind, Erwin didn't travel to France. He was in Germany, much like me with my French heritage, he set off to discover his German one. So why was he in this mental institution as well? Were there others in here from the Scouting Regime?

Surely this dumbass wouldn't know so I'll ask Chun-Hei when she gets here.

Mr. Oh had sighed, taking a glance at his watch on his wrist, as he leaned against the furthest wall from me,
"It appears she's going to be even later than expected."
That's nice, gives me more time to choke you.

"If she can't even be on time, she's not a very good doctor"
I heavily insulted, though, if the last doctor that cared for me, came back, I would commit murder.

"She's considered the wackco Doctor here. Not a lot of the others like her, that excludes her patients, they tend to love her cause she's not as harsh as the others."

Not as harsh as the others!? She placed fucking garbage all over my room just to prove this 'OCD' of mine!

"Why's that?"
I questioned collectively calm, despite the screaming voice in my head.

"I don't know much about the woman before she moved here from Korea at the age of 14, however I do know her mother was killed and her father wasn't the best of a man, which caused the caretakers here to suggest the idea that's she a wacko."

Huh, interesting, her mother was killed and if this bastard doesn't stop talking I'm going to murder him as well! For fuck sakes man.

"How old is the brat?"
"22 years of age, fresh out of medical school for helping in mental illnesses."

The door had abruptly opened, alerting my eyes to snap in the direction of the door.
There she stood, tall in her red glossy heels, entering the room.

"Oh look who it is, finally."
I groaned out sarcastically, my eyes watching her every delicate foot step she made in order to sit at the same table as me.

"It is I, Sir Doctor Min Chun Hei!"
She dramatically announced, lazily dropping in the chair, and swiftly crossing her legs at the same time. It was kinda neat to be honest.
"How are we doing today, Mr. Ackerman?"

"Is Erwin Smith alright?"
I may have become insane since entering this mental ward, but I wasn't completely heartless.

I still knew my comrades were out there, stuck in a place like I was in.
In fact, this crazy-ill person persona I put on, was to mostly fuck around with the doctors and caretakers here. But I like Chun Hei, much like Mr. Oh had said she's different.

"Oh! Do you know Mr. Smith?"
She asked wide eyed in excitement, I nodded my head.

"He was the commander of the Survey Corps, you don't know that? He was also a good friend of mine."
"Oh! No I did not know that, Mr. Ackerman! But it's great to know, most definitely. That could actually help me understand his anxiety better."
Eagerly, she pulled out her notebook and started to write vigorously about what I had just told her.

"To answer your question, he is alright, Mr. Ackerman. Mr. Smith had a panic attack but he is now taking a nap in his room."

I leaned backwards in my chair, tapping my foot impatiently on the ground.

"Should I arrange for you and Mr. Smith to meet again? I can schedule a lunch room for tomorrow."
"Yeah... yeah that'd be nice."

"Alright Mr. Acker—"
"How'd your mom die?"

I watch Chun Hei as her grip around the pen got tighter along with the pen no longer writing anymore. She pursued her lips, her eyes wandering around the desk nervously.
Then she harshly glared over at Mr. Oh who threw his hands up in defence.

"I see someone talked too much while I was gone. She was murdered, stabbed twice, shot three times, I was the one who found her when I was only 4 years old."
I could see by the way she spoke, she thought highly of her mom, and I could relate to that.

"Was your mom important to you?"
"Yes, she was. She was a great woman, I have very young memories of her reading books to me. In fact, she was an author of a famous series she never got to finish... would you like me to bring you it to read while you stay here?"

I found myself smiling at Chun Hei's words.
"Yes I would."

There was a silence that overcame us.
I realized, Chun Hei is here to help me get better, and she just showed me her vulnerability, I should show her mine.
It seems we both, had great mothers and a terrible father.

"Mothers are the best, aren't they?"
And that's the sentence that allowed Doctor Min Chun Hei to know about the favourite woman in my life, Kuchel Ackerman.

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