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Unless you walk away,
Or as you walk away,


—Levi Ackerman, 2 months later after lobotomy—-

"Chun Hei is sick."
Jae Beom explained, handing me the medication, which was cut down severely since I had that awful surgery.

"Is that so?"
I growled lightly in under my breath, after swallowing the pills.
"Yeah, I checked up on her this morning, she was throwing up with a fever and such."

"How'd you find that out?"
"I have a key to her house ever since Mr. Oh passed away."

I simply glared at the man, gathering his medical supplies onto the metal tray to carry back to the deposal area.
She really is a whore.
"Mr. Min asked that of me and Mr. Oh... if he ever passed away... we were to take care of her."

I watched him, with a overwhelming sadness coming to his eyes, though it was almost if he couldn't or didn't know how to cry. He stopped moving even in the slightest way, until he was done speaking. He turned to me and smiled then.

"How did you met Chun Hei? I know Mr. Oh and her were servants for a royal family over in Korea."
Jae Beom gave me a questionable look, continuing on,
"Seojun was the servant, Chun Hei was the royal family, her father used to be a senator in the King's royal family till the country were placed under Japanese imperialism."

"Buddy, I come from a place where there's giant naked, man eating babies, you think I understand all that?"

Jae Beom sighed in annoyance, clearly at me.
"In simple terms: before another country took over Korean rule, Chun Hei's father was a high, respected man. Me and Oh Seojun were servants for her family, being orphaned servants, when her family escaped Korea, they took us with them."

"So, Chun Hei's royal family?"
"Rightfully under Joseon law, then Japanese law came."

"Awwwww... how cute I'm quite literally dating a princess."
Mr. Park's eyes widen at the use of my words,

I sat in the director's office, in my suit and tie.
After lobotomy, they pretty much discarded my straight jacket. I took a sip of tea, Jae Beom had made me, as the director looked up from his notes.

"Mr. Ackerman, would you like to meet your father?"

"My father?"
I never met my father before. I never knew who my father was.

"It's quite funny to me actually, the first day Chun Hei served you, you said your name was Louis Rifenberg as a joke... presumably. And yet, I know you never met your father in your life, and guess what... his name is Louis Ackerman."
It was only now, I realized I was holding my breath. I coughed, into my arm, trying to clear my throat from the knot I felt.

"Anyways, the choice is yours, your Father and Farlan are in France with Chun Hei for a few weeks, since Chichi's death."
I looked at him, with wide eyes.

I didn't want to see Farlan. I already had the confrontation he hated me, as he thought I could've done more to save Isabel.

Though my father... would I... would I like my father?

Truthfully, I liked Chichi, my half-sister. Until I learned she had Ackerman-bonded to Chun Hei.

"Also, your release date as been set, to June 21, next year."

The day has came, where I am leaving this place.
It will be nearly three years by that time.
But hey, at least I'll be leaving.
And I'll kill Jae Beom the next opportunity I get.

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