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And love the sound of you walking away,
You walking away,


Six months had passed since I've been admitted into this mental ward, now receiving my Electroconvulsive Therapy every month, and my Lobotomy session scheduled in two weeks. It's a terrible place really.

The last Titan shifter, Reiner Braun, the armoured Titan, was killed last Wednesday. The world had gone crazy, in the newspapers I had read, many calling it: a final rest of peace.
His death, truly marked, the end of The Great Titan War.

This meant, with notice from their Doctors and Therapists, Scouts with just PTSD, were allowed to be released. Miche, yesterday, did in fact leave this facility.

Erwin is still under heavy guard, unknowingly, for the murder of Oh Seojun. A few patients had added a testimony close to mine, being that they saw Erwin kill him, seen Erwin with blood on him, or knew of his obsession towards Chun Hei and hatred towards Mr. Oh. Working perfectly to my plan.

Hanji, was still the same shitty glasses I knew them to be. Though, their instantly seemed to have grown worse over time, and often they would go into fits of banging their head against harsh surfaces, without consciously realizing so.

Chun Hei, was growing up before my eyes. Within six short months, she had grown her hair longer and redyed it to her natural colour of black. Changed her glasses from silver to gold, bigger and more oval shaped. She had also started to dress more like a woman, instead of a young girl.

And my new enemy was now, Park Jae Beom, who had basically overtook Mr. Oh's last position. He was the other asian nurse that Chun Hei often ate meals with. He didn't interfere with our sessions much, not as much as Mr. Oh did, but the point was he still did sometimes. He didn't know his place. His place of Chun Hei being mine, and not his, which he clearly thought so.

Snow had already covered the lands surrounding the hospital, and today, a blizzard was making the outside weather messy and miserable. It affected the electricity in the building, as well as cooling it off greatly that not even the heaters, fireplaces and candles could bite back at the cold. Through overhearing conversations with patients and doctors, I discovered a holiday called Christmas was coming up, I was unsure of when and what that is, as we didn't celebrate it within the walls.
It was nighttime and the busy, bustling streets of downtown Paris, were lit up with streetlights and the occasional colourful, Christmas ones.

I watched her behind a few building's corners, strolling down the street, underdressed for the weather outside. She would stop every now and then, viewing items in dim-lit windows of stores, before continuing her walk home from work.

Eventually she did stop, completely at a window, carefully examining whatever item she was interested in.
The surroundings were loud, between children laughing, or parents yelling at disobedient kids, some automobiles, in the distance a locomotive stopped and started, the falling snow muted the outside world, making her the centre of my attention.

I snuck up behind Chun Hei, covering her eyes using my hands, caught in her daze, she hitched her breath, trying to turn around to look at whoever.
"It's just me, darling."
I chuckled lightly, seeing at how scared she gotten so quickly, uncovering her eyes, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"L-Levi!? H-How'd you get out of the h-hospital!?"
Chun Hei shouted nervously, and it was as though, she was angry at me, as she thrusted my arms off of her. She turned around, quickly, her face giving me the confirmation I needed that she was indeed pissed off.

"Baby, please, it's so easy to escape that place."
I explained, pulling her closer to me, embracing her warm honey vanilla scent.

Her eyes took a glance up and down my body, her hands fixed my tie, as I had undressed from my straight jacket into the suit in my locker.
While she did that, I glared down at her, seeing her red nose, frost bitten and watery eyes, the snow falling on the top of her head, making it wet and knotty.
She breathed out, shakily, a small cloud coming from her lips, lipstick worn off from the day.

"Who are you to not dress properly for the weather?"
I made my voice as stern as it could, raising a eyebrow, frustrated at her stubbornness.
"Levi, that doesn't matter, we need to get you back to the mental w—"

"Can't I just spend one night with you?"
I didn't let her reply, I pushed her body against mine, as tight as physics allowed me to, kissing her, as sloppy as I may have been.
With the way she kissed me back, I could tell her mind was somewhere else.

"No Levi, We need to get you back."
She pulled away after just a few seconds, killing my mood, I groaned, staring at the unshovelled sidewalk.
"Just one night."

"No! Lev—"
I raised my hand, slapping her against the cheek. I tried to be gentle with her, I really did, but my god-like strength left a bruise on her already semi-frozen skin.
"Just, one, night."

She held her cheek, adjusting her glaze from the ground to my face. Tears were welling in her eyes, she sniffed, her bottom lip quivering as she started to realize just how much strength I did have.
I stared at her, deadpanned, trying to show her my upper superiority towards her, reminding me of the times when I was a squad captain.

"O-okay. Just tonight though."
She smiled nervously, only one corner of her mouth daring to turn upwards before quickly frowning again.

She now lived alone, Chun Won had left for America once again, her korean family going back to Korea.
Having the house to ourselves, I finally had my way with her.

With her beneath me, her hair sprawled out across the mattress, I breathed out heavily, regaining my stamina.
Her makeup was running down her face, her eyes tearing up with pleasure and obedience, her pale face, completely flushed red from lewdness and exhaustion.

"Am I your first?"
I asked slowly, supporting myself with one hand, as the other played through her hair, admiring her longer hair. She nodded, wrapping her arms around my neck.
I chuckled, slightly manically, mostly to myself.

"Good. Good. What a good little girl."
I lifted her body now onto mine, leaning back, to see her beautiful face.

"L-Levi, I-I'm tired, I can- c-can't go again."
My eyes trailed downwards, my hand running over the scar of Levi Ackerman cut into her thighs that straddled my sides. Seeing my name on her body, only turned me on more.

"Just one more round. Come on, Sweetheart."

A/N: I know it wasn't long ago I hit 2k views on this story but now I'm at 3k thank you all so much 🥺🥺🥺 I Love whenever I see people commenting or voting on this story it makes me giggle throughout the day ❤️

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