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Mascara bleeds into my eye, oh,
And I'm not cold, I am old,


3rd Person—

A lot of people seen it, nurses and doctors.
Even the proclaimed insane patients seen it.
The fact that Levi Ackerman was just like a lost puppy, obediently following their owner, Doctor Min Chun Hei. If only they knew it was the other way around.

She started to allow Levi to assist her through the hallways, he was rarely ever in his cell.
When he was in his cell, it was due to Chun Hei's 1 hour therapy sessions with other patients of hers.
Her patient count got cut, considering they weren't allowing her to care for Erwin, and now Miche was gone, she had another person from the scouts with PSTD too, though Levi did not know the man as he was in under someone else's squad. Another two of her patients were put on release too.
Which left her with 9 patients, including Levi Ackerman. If only they knew, maybe they could've helped her get out before it was too late.

And only if Levi knew, that the doctors and nurses taking care of Erwin, in replace of Chun Hei, had quickly discovered Erwin wasn't obsessed with Chun Hei at all, nor was it possible of him to kill Mr. Oh Seojun. For investigation reasonings, they hadn't told the young therapist either, considering how close she was to her patient.
So, the head director told his staff members, excluding Chun Hei, to always keep an eye out for Mr. Ackerman, gave yet another explanation on how the Ackerman Bond worked and the history behind it, as well as how powerful of a tool it may become.
They all had their suspicion, never being able to give the evidence behind their crawling skin. Little did they know, they were right.

Park Jae Beom, a 25 year old nurse at the hospital, was told by Head-Director Fradette, to replace Mr. Oh. As well, as do his own investigation, looking specifically into Chun Hei's family and what happened in the period where they were nether in Korea nor France.
It had been going good, though, there wasn't a lot of evidence that would've helped the situation. They had made a second plan.

So, without Chun Hei, Levi Ackerman sat on one of the two couches in the director's office.
The fireplace was ablaze, the curtains had been opened to view the snow falling gently outside, and Levi had a cup of his favourite tea. The director sat at his desk, with a cup of coffee, just striking a calm conversation with Mr. Ackerman.

"What's your earliest childhood memory?"
The 53 year old, French man, with rectangular glasses, with a dyed black beard to make his face look the most youthful it could be amongst the wrinkles, had asked the 36 year old man.

Though, Levi and the others did not know he was actually that young. They still thought he was 38-39 years of age.
Unfortunately, Chun Hei had already given him the right answers, of course he had to... work for those answers, as she wouldn't give it to him easily.

"I can remember my mom dying in the bed, I found her body after coming back from getting, or more like stealing, bread for us."
Levi monotonely said, staring out of space.

"It's the traumatic memories that often stay, and the good ones leave... our practices aren't perfect, I'm sorry, Levi, and I'm sorry to all the patients I made suffer."
Chun Hei sorrow face and sad eyes had flashed into Levi's mind.

"... I can't remember much after that, the next earliest memory I can think of, is when my Uncle, Kenny, told me to kill someone from the underground. When I looked up, Kenny was leaving."

The director, sat, dumbfounded and bewildered. Not that long ago, there was no progress in Mr. Ackerman, and now there was tremendous progress. The doctor in his 27 years of practice, never seen a recovery pattern like this, we wondered if he should've took notes on it, but he didn't.

"Mr. Ackerman, I'm sure you are aware of the Ackerman bond and how it was used to create servants of loyalty to the King of Paradise, right?"
"...yes... sir."

"Do you... by any chance, know who you bonded to as a product of your Ackerman bond?"

The question, stumbled Levi. His answers up until now, he knew what was needed to be said and was purely manipulation to the doctor so he would let Levi's release be sooner.
Levi, was unsure if he should be honest or not, but quickly, he decided how to spin it to his advantage.

"Yes, Erwin Smith was the one I bonded too... that's why... I felt awful when I had to tell Chun Hei who killed Oh Seojun. It was supposed to be our secret."
"I see..."

Levi had just walked, blindly into a trap.

Because, it was already proven that Mr. Smith couldn't have killed Seojun. Yet, Levi just said it was supposed to be a secret between them.
The only problem was, it was in fact confirmed by several, trusted Nurses that Levi was sleeping when it happened.

Considering Seojun's gouged out eyes, slit- smile cut, and several gunshot in his hands, ruled out him being poisoned, physically Levi had to have killed him, while being awake.

"Mr. Ackerman, would you like a new doctor to see if you can r—"
The doctor widened his eyes at Levi's overly confident answer. The raven man felt embarrassed, clearing his throat.
"I mean... no, Chun Hei is helping me just fine."

"Well... I'm asking Mr. Ackerman, because Chun Hei may be transferring to a new hospital."

This, was a lie. Made up on the spot.
But the experienced doctor, took clear observations on the way Mr. Ackerman's eyes glossed with murderous, hideous, angry emotions at the words.

"I wonder... if Ackerman bonds can change after so long... I should probably ask Ms. Kuchel considering she's one of only Ackermans from outside the walls, who lives among normal society."

"Ms... Who?"

"Ms. Kuchel. I know, it's weird going by Ms. Your given name instead of your last name, but she tries to hide the fact that she's an Ackerman."

Meanwhile, Park Jae Beom had travelled to Russia for the week, to talk to the only other friend, Chun Hei had since childhood.

"What did you just say?"
He asked, his eyes wide in shock.

"I have a half brother living inside those walls of Paradise Island. We have different mothers."
Jae Beom tried taking a steady breath in, but he just couldn't as he viewed her name tag.

❝ Chichi Church- Ackerman

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 + 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈 𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang