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No quake will split the ground,
Won't you walk away?


The last few days with Chun Hei were concerning normal.
She may have just been a person able to hide personal life behind work life, but I at least expected her to take a few days off. Did she not find the body yet? The only reasonable explanation would be there's two bathrooms in that house.

"My father was murdered 4 days ago."
It's like she read my mind, because instantly the words just flung of her mouth.

I watched as she stared straight ahead, behind me at the blank wall.
I proceeded with caution, slowly taking her hand in mine, before I kissed the back of her hand. Her eyes only slightly adjusted to look at me, her face, was unreadable, unlike her usual expressive face.

"Are you alright, darling? That's awful."
I tried to comforted her in a soft voice, tugging a gentle face of empathy on my face.

"His funeral is today."
She managed to squeak out before a singular tear fell from her to which she tried to battle by lifting her head intimidatingly upward.

"Then why are you here, sweetie? You should be there..."
Haha! No you shouldn't, you are safest here with me.

"It hurts."
She managed to croak out before then going into full blown out sobbing, taking her hand away from mine to cover her face.

Did I do the wrong thing?

"He was a miserable father, a terrible one at best, but he... he still read me fairytales and cooked my Korean food."
She lowered her hands, her makeup a mess.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"
She cried out loudly, tears streaming from her face.

"Chun He—"
"But I also can't help but be happy that he's gone."
Behind my masked emotions, I smirked, that's my girl.
"I don't want to go to his funeral, I don't wanna see the family we left behind in Korea."
With that, she wiped away her tears, smiling towards me, quickly changing her act.

"Do you know who could've killed him?"
"Oh! Lots of people. We didn't necessarily owe debt to anyone but the way his income poured in pissed a lot of people off. Hell, even by own brother could've killed him."

My plan worked better than I thought. A man, with lots of people hating him, murdered, wouldn't cause anyone to bat an eye.

"You have a brother?"
"Yeah... he travels a lot but yeah."
Her voice became sadden again, here comes the water works again, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
I tried to comfort her, simply by being there and gently rubbing her hand.

After, she quickly got done her crying session only to ask me a few questions about my Electroconvulsive Therapy lessons, how I was feelings, and my medication, all while jotting down whatever I had said to her questions. She told me she could see some progress, even if it wasn't as much as she hoped for, it still was better than nothing. The doctor however, wasn't seeing the results he wanted and would start a thing called Lobotomy, though it was a one-time procedure.
She left after that.

Even after that day, the other days were normal as well.
Mr. Oh had started to reappear and stand silently in the corner while we had my therapy sessions. I didn't like it, I wonder if she told him what happened.

On a certain day, a day another one of my sessions of Electroconvulsive Therapy was to take place in, Mr. Oh had entered my cell, to organize things.
I stared deathly at the man, watching him stack boxes and flies upon one another, his Adam's Apple would bop up and down every now and then as he clearly felt uneasy form my stares.
Eventually, he slammed a box down onto the counter, and kicked the leg of said table.

"What the fuck is your problem!?"
He hollered loudly, hitting the papers with his fist, in the box he had previously slammed down.

"I just don't like how close you are to my Chun Hei."
"Your, your Chun Hei? You're fucking delusional, you creep!"
"Creep? I'm nothing of the sort."

I intended to keep going on and argue with the man I hated so much, though his next words hit a certain button within me. A manic button. A button that shouldn't have been pressed.

Let's get one thing straight. I'm not proud of my age. Not to mention half of my life was wasted in that hell hole, the underground city lying in under Wall Sina.

"You're a forty fucking year old man that's wrinkly as fuck, obsessing over a 22 year old girl. You're a creep."

I lifted my two fingers and thumb, creating a fake gun, aiming towards his head. He furrowed his angular brows in a rather confused expression.

"Bang. You're next."


Short chapter I know, next one will be better I swear ❤️ this is just a filler
A/N; if anyone cares!! This is what I picture Chun Hei to look like, just slightly longer hair with no bangs and glasses

Short chapter I know, next one will be better I swear ❤️ this is just a filler A/N; if anyone cares!! This is what I picture Chun Hei to look like, just slightly longer hair with no bangs and glasses

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