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Emery walks by me in the cafeteria and steals a chicken nugget on my plate before popping it in his mouth and eating it.

I yank him back by the wrist.

"Ohhhh," the table choruses dramatically.

I lift my napkin to his lips and gently dab at the corners to wip his mouth while everyone awws and laughs.

"Come. Sit." I pull him onto my lap.

"I was going to the music room to practice."

"You need to eat."

I reach over and snag a sip from Emery's juice box just as Joe walks up to us.

"You're the most popular boy in middle school. Why are you always hanging out with that dweeb?"

"His name is Emery and he's mine," I tell him calmly.

"What do you mean, yours," the boy scoffs with air-quotes. "That's just...weird."

I tell Joe patiently that I'd be happy to explain it to him outside.

I end up giving Joe a black eye and get suspended for three days. My parents have to come into the office and scold me along with the principal.

I only worry about how Emery will fare without me, but no one touches him. I've charged Alexandra with looking after him. Besides, no one wants to be the next Joe.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now