chapter 10

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It has been a week since I have talked to anyone. I haven’t been to school, answered my phone, took my meds or even eat. I know I should but I just can’t there is no point anymore. I thought maybe he cared but a player is always a player. It was around noon when I heard my door open and saw Brody Rich Kyle and Jackie walk through the door. "Omg Liz you’re bleeding." I looked and found Jackie was right my stress popped the stitches in my side. I just shrugged and rolled over. "Liz please were worried Xander is very worried just talk to him." I huffed and spoke "Why don’t you just leave all of you and maybe this stab wound will kill me like it was supposed to ok now leave." I heard them all collectively gasp in shock and heard Jackie start crying. I felt myself being lifted and I knew by the AXE body spray it was Kyle." Put me down ass or I will make you drop me." Kyle just walked me to his car and everyone else piled in as he started to drive. "Where are we going?" "Hospital you’re losing to much blood." Kyle didn’t even look back he just drove. As soon as we got to the hospital I got dizzy but not too bad. We were walking to the lobby and I felt it, the crashing of your world as everything went black.

Jackie POV

I looked at Liz and knew she was ill. She was ghostly pale had black circles and was just ill faced. I knew she was going to faint but nobody knew it would be in the parking lot and that she would hit her head on a raise of concrete. Kyle had to run her inside where they said she had the flu and lost too much blood. That on top of an infection from not taking her meds. We knew it was bad and so did the doctor he told us she was going under a medical coma because she hit her head causing slight brain swelling but she would wake in two days. I knew what I had to do and that was to call Xander he had to fix her before we lost her.

Xander POV

This week has got to be the worst in my life worse than the week Liz broke her nose and I watched her cry when people asked how her nose job looked. I held back tear just the thought of her made me miss her more than anything. I know she hasn’t been at school picking up the fucking phone and I just pray she is taking her meds. I just don’t know what to do if she won’t let anyone in she has always done that she just so stubborn. I stopped thinking of this as my phone rang I picked up in hopes it was Liz but it was not. "Xander get to the hospital now it is Liz she is really sick and she lost blood and she's in a coma so you know what get your ass down her and fix her." I hung up already half out the door. When I got to the hospital and to her room the tears I held back for a week fell. She has a bandage on her head and tubes helping her live but she looked so beautiful. "Xander  thank god ok she will be fine we hope but when she wakes up your getting back with her and you will fix her because I am not losing my best friend you got that." I looked dazed over at a furious Jackie and nodded, When Liz woke up like it or not I am going to spend forever with her even if i have to beg and cry. Like I said in fifth grade Elizabeth Wright will and forever will be mine.


Just kidding i got more to tell leprechauns so sorry to the loves that have been waiting for this to update i been busy but i need feed back do you want me to end soon or whatt COMMENT?VOTE PLEASE LETS ME KNOW YOU LIKE IT

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