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Xander POV

I looked over at the sleeping angel next to me and smiled. It's been ten years, and we never had that scary rough patch we both were scared of. Ya sure we fought over small things like why I didn't take out the trash or her spending to much time at work, we laughed a bunch and we just never really changed. Rich and Brody finally got married it was beautiful they recently adopted a little blond girl named Morgan an the couldn't be happier. Jackie and Kyle got married a year after Brody and Rich and they already have a twin set of boys. Me and Liz well let me say I got a huge shock for my birthday. I placed my hand on her giant baby bump and laughed. I smiled as Liz rolled closer to me with a small smile on her gorgeous face. "Daddy that little mutt of mummy's ate my Barbie." I looked up to see a little girl  age five glaring at a small red hound sitting next to her. I looked at her posture an smiled at the familiar pose, hand on her hip, sassy face, look of anger. Oh ya did I forget to add I have the spitting image of my Liz as a daughter except for her eyes those are all mine,all I know is I am going to be one protective daddy if she keeps up looking like her mum. "Oh Marince mummy told you to put your toys up and Ginny wouldn't eat them now come here. Who's daddy's little princess?" My daughter worms her way on my lap as she giggles her own name. "Hmmm baby girl what's wrong?" We looks over to see Liz trying to sit up with a huge smile on her face as she rubbed her belly. "Nothing mummy just saying morning can we have paniecakes for breakfee?" I nodded and told her to go downstairs to wait for me when she left I addressed Liz. "Morning my queen how was the slumber?" Liz laughed and said it was fine. I love this part of my life and nothing could change that ever.


I am so excited that my life turned the way it did. I have a beautiful daughter that act like me and looks like me but those eyes were Xander's and they made me love her more than ever. I have a handsome husband that makes me feel like a princess well queen actually. Now I will soon have a baby boy who I hope looks just like his daddy. Smiling at the thought Xander walked to the living room, "Baby sit down your due any day now rest we don't want our son hurt." I laughed at Xander's protective nature but did as he said. I sat on the couch an soon felt a warm body wiggle close to me. "hey baby girl what you doing silly?" I looked to Marince who's face was a giggling mess. "nothing I love you mummy and I just wanted to let you know." I almost started crying this is the moments I lived for my baby argued like a pro and loved like she never would again. This girl need to be a lawyer, awe I hope my boy plays football. "I love you too baby girl. Are you excited for you brother to be born?" Marince nodded rapidly and started a speech of how excited she was and soon we heard Xander yell for us. "Oh YAY pancakes yummy, you go on in baby I will be there in a minute." I watched Marince run to the kitchen giggling. Cautiously I got up as I didn't really wanna brake my water just yet. "Liz are you ok honey." I shouted a yes to my worried husband but it was a lie I had a feeling this boy was coming out today. I walked to the kitchen and felt it water all over the floor, good thing it's tile wood, I stood in the kitchen door giving Xander the look. Well baby boy I am so excited to meet you.

Xander POV

I watched as Liz slowly walked in to the room and gave me the ' we are having a baby today' look. I knew exactly what was needed of me and this moment made me smile.  "I think I'm gonna go get some stuff from upstairs ok be right back lovelies." With that I dashed up the steps to the blue and green nursery grabbing the bags Liz needed before returning downstairs. "Ok Marince hun lets go to the car with mummy I gonna call grandma and grandpa ok go." I ran to grab my cell quickly hitting the speed dial number as my wife and daughter got in the car. "Hello Xander to what do I owe the honor." I laughed slightly gathering the final things running to the car. "Hey ya guess who is meeting their grandson today you are so hurry to the hospital I gotta go peace outty." With that I jumped in the car and sped to the hospital. "Xander it hurts baby so much it hurts." I wanted to help her. I hate seeing her in pain, it hurts me to see. But I can't we were almost at the hospital. So I grabbed her hand kissing it, "Hold on baby we are almost there ok I love you your so strong." As I finished I started to hum softly quickly arriving at the hospital. I grabbed Marince holding her to my hip until I felt Liz's dad take her off. I smiled then went to help Liz into the hospital where we were met with a wheelchair. I was lead to a room to put on scrubs then was lead to where Liz was laid on a bed groaning. I walked over grabbing her hand softly only to be jerked down to her level. "You better love you kids Xander because you aren't getting anymore. You gonna be lucky if you ever get lucky again. you hear me you ass. Ugh I Hate You." I just laughed because this was nothing compared to Marince's birth. I was being called every name in the fucking book and she said we were never having sex again yet here we are. "Ok Elizabeth we are ready to push one the count of three.. One..Two..Three." Liz grabbed my hand so hard I thought she was gonna tear it off but i grinned and barred it as it was my fault she was on pain. It felt like days that Liz pushed out our baby but finally I heard it. "WAAAA WWWAAAAA!" I smiled and saw Liz smile weakly when we heard the sound. "Well Mr Mrs Lopez baby boy. Now would you like to cut the cord." We nodded at the nurse handed me the scissors and together we cut the cord. Next our baby was sized up and well those some miner snipping of areas and then was sent back to us." Well he is a healthy 8 pound 19 inch baby boy. Wanna hold him?" We nodded to the nurse who gently placed my handsome huddle of blue blankets in Liz's waiting arms. "Oh Xander he is so handsome he looks just like you baby oh but he has my eyes. what should we name him?" I looked at her smiling knowing what she wanted name him. "How about Nolan  James Lopez just like you always wanted since fifth grade love." Liz looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You remembered that tiny detail of me." "Baby I remember everything how could I forget when a Angel speaks you listen." Liz started crying and the doctors took Nolan placing him in his bed to wheel him to the new room. "I am so glad you kept your threat to me in fifth." "What was that again love." Liz shhed ME as she was wheeled to a new room. I collected our family, along with Brody Kyle Jackie and Rich, and we want in the room to meet him. "Daddy Daddy I wanna see him. What's his name?" I picked up my girl and smiled. "Nolan James Lopez and he is waiting to meet you." We entered and visited until we had to send everyone home. When we were all alone I glanced to my beautiful Liz with a smile. "So what was that promise love?" Liz smiled grabbing my hand, "You said you were going to make me fall head over heels for you even if you had to brake a million heart." I laughed remembering that day perfectly. "Ya I am glad I made that too I love you Liz so so much." "I love you too Xander." That's all I will ever need to survive this world.


Xander and Liz lived long happy life's.  Marince grew to be the best Civil Court lawyer of her time, Nolan grew to be a world famous footballer. The children gifted their parents with two grandkids each and cared for their parents till the end. It was a sad day but a happy one as well. The couple died in each others loving embrace the day of their 60th wedding anniversary. Brody and Rich were also blessed even through heart ache and pain the couple stayed strong leaving the world two weeks apart but never leaving the others heart.  Jackie and Kyle lived to their late eighties but died of the same cancer three years apart.

*closes book*

"This story was a simple story of young love that started innocent a pure, a childhood crush. Yet this love is stronger than most can understand. You may think that a child doesn't understand the complex idea that is love, but ask yourself who are you to determine a child's   understanding of mature and difficult nature. Love isn't defined by money or looks, not even the length of time you have known this person. Love is a feeling no one fully understands and I can't even being to describe this. What Xander and Liz had may be fiction in your eyes but in mine I see their love as truth and I see it happening to people who expect it to never happen. I hope you grew to love them as I have they are I my heart I just felt the need to tell you all their story so you could find you happily ever after. Or whatever you call it. Journey on and don't stop chasing rainbows and dreaming for things greater than your understanding.

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