Chapter 21

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Xander POV

So I have been thinking that I really should have thought twice about agreeing to help Liz in planning this big wedding. "Xander pay attention I need help cuz after this we agreed to go help Brody. Well I will help you and Rich go do whatever." I sighed and nodded Liz has been monster planning all week and saying 'I want it done and booked so I don't have to stress later.' I mean we already have a theme, place, and date. "Babe what more is there to plan?" She laughed at me an showed me a list of things that made me wanna cry to be honest. "Really all this I mean what is it all?" She just sighed and hugged me tightly kissing my check and leaving the room. I quickly followed after her to see exactly what she was doing. I found her in the dining room looking at some papers why did I need papers at my wedding? "Babe what do you need help with I promise I will focus?" Liz looked at me smiling and pulled out a small paper with a sigh. "um we need invitations, flowers, center pieces and I can do rest because that is easy. Oh and my dress your suit and so that's all." I laughed and walked over to her lifting her from her seat and sliding under her. "Ok Lizzie Lou lets plan this thing." Liz nodded and pointed to the papers saying they were invitations and we needed to pick one to send to the guests. I kissed her cheek quickly picking one that I felt went with the theme. "Yay I really wanted that one. Um ok we want red velvet cake and then what flavor do you want for your cake? Mines chocolate fudge." She smiled at me with a huge car fitting smile and I laughed picking a simple vanilla to which she giggled. It felt like hours of play fights, Liz almost crying, and finally we had every small detail for our St. Patrick's Day wedding planned. "Um well then you and Rich can get your suits I will um help Brody and go tomorrow I go shopping for some stuff." I looked down to see her blushing up a storm and I realized she meant go shopping for her wedding dress, now I must say that part I am excited for. "Honey I don't want to do the whole no seeing each other before the wedding, I am gonna miss you way to much." Elizabeth turned completely around in my lap an glared at me like I was stupid. "Ok but no bachelor and bachelorette parties ok." She thought it over but nodded in pure agreement before turning very pale quickly. "Lizzie Lou are you ok?" She nodded and mumbled something about getting nervous and went to get ready to visit Brody and Rich. I sighed and changed into something casual but thought other wise when I saw Liz's outfit of choice. It was a simple black skater skirt, paired with tight maroon V-neck tucked in and black heels. "Damn babe are you cheating on me with Brody or is that for me?" Liz giggled and walked out the door my guess she was heading to the car. "Oh help me lord if she keeps getting hotter over the years it might give me a heart attack." With that I followed he out and head the ten minutes over to Brody and Rich's flat.

Brody POV

Rich is great truly is but planning this he isn't good at all. He is so confused and lost he even said to just let me and Liz plan. "Babe I don't care bout anything except you meeting me at the end of that alter looking sexy. Then the honeymoon when I can ravish you all I want." I play slapped his arm blushing at his over bluntness. We started to lean in for a kiss when the doorbell rang and I heard my best friends voice scream. "Babe what did I tell you I hate doorbells I feel rude." I laughed and went to answer the door thankful someone serious was helping that's why she's my Made of Honor. Though I am her Man of Honor and our partner in crime Jackie. "Hey Lizard and Xander you take Rich with you know don't even come in. RICH GO WITH XANDER NOW LOVE YOU!" I watched Rich race around the flat looking for his shoes making me laugh and point to where the were. He thanks me with a kiss on the cheek before following Xander to the car to do whatever they were doing today. "So um how much do you need planned? I mean surly Rich helped a little. Xander and me planned well everything today so I can help as mix as needed." I laughed at her lucky choice of groom and pulled her into the sitting area to plan. "Honey I have free plan ability thanks to Rich but I know I want a Christmas wedding." Liz nodded an we began planning. It was stressful but about an hour later we had every thing planned to the smallest detail. Wow this girl is good she should be a event planner for a living I bet everyone would want her. "Thanks I would have never got this done in time with that sexy man helping." Liz nodded but turned serious fast causing me a slight bit of fear. "Brody tomorrow I am going dress shopping do you want to come help me pick one." That fear and worried feeling I had to change into utter glee. "OH MY OF COURSE THAT IS AMAZING I WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU LIZZIE." Liz sighed a happy sigh I guess she thought I would say no or something. We hugged and went settled in the couch to watch a film. We hadn't even reached five minutes in the film before sweet Liz just simply passed out. "Poor love is exhausted." I covered her in a blanket and continued watching the movie.

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