Chapter 9

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Xander POV

I walked into the classroom thinking I was meeting Liz from the note I held in my hands, but when I entered I was meet with Amy in nothing but her bra and underwear. " Amy what do you want ." She just smirked and started walking toward me. Soon I feel into a chair were Amy the sat on my lap and whispered " you are mine Xander mine and mine alone." I tried to tell her to back off but she silenced me with a kiss. I was startled to say the least, but then when I was pulled back to my correct mind I heard the worst thing of my life. " Xander we are done you ass I thought you might actually care!" I know my face was pure shock I was so confused but Amy's face held a proud smirk and I knew I had to try to fix this. " Liz honey you know I love you she kissed me I tried to stop her please." I know it's weak to beg but in this moment I don't care Liz looked on the verge of tears shaking her head. I was shocked when she stopped shaking to smile I thought ' good she's forgiving me yes'. Then I was crushed at what she said " Oh Xander I loved you too, but we are done I think I might I don't know date that old friend of mine you hated. But who cares we are over." The smirk and held back tears were killing me as she turned and walked away from me. " Xander your better without her babe lets finish what that whore interrupted." I turned to her and finally snapped " you whore you slut you just made me lose the best thing in this whole world and If she never looks at me again I am going to hunt you down and kill you." With that I ran from the school hoping Liz would be ok praying she would give me another chance. Then i thought the two people who could get through and help me could also be the one to ruin me. With tears in my eyes I texted Rich and Brody ' help me please Amy that bitch kissed me Liz saw and hates me I need her please help' I sunk down the near eased wall and did something I will never admit to anyone I cried over a splitting heart.

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