Chapter 5

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Elizabeth POV

I looked down at my body terrified your only supposed to see your body like this if your dead. But I can't be dead the heart monitor connected to me was beating a nice solid beat. "Wait this is one of those damn out of body adventure." I then heard the door to my room open and in walked Xander and Rick. "Liz would freak at the needles she is deathly afraid." I heard Xander's beautiful joking voice and he's right omg get the needles out now. I know what I just said that he's voice was beautiful and yeah I will admit me Elizabeth Rose Wright have a crush on my friend/enemy Xander Lopez. I realize he thinks of me as just his neighbor, or person to pick on but who cares. My train of thought was interrupted by that beautiful voice saying "You got to wake up angel I got to tell you some important things love." A huge smile made its way on my face he just said angel, and love as nicknames to me. Rick cleared his throat and said "Dude you've loved her since fifth grade why have you never told her, she probably have feelings for you to if she doesn't already have them." I chuckled though no one hear " Wow mind reader much Rick." Then I heard the soft crying coming from Xander and frowned. "Why are you crying jerk you never cry you turd whole, you don't get to cry because of me." I was now sitting on the side of the bed next to him. " I was trying to tell her and its all my fault and now she'll hate me but dude I need her more than air man." I was shocked he loved me and to an amazing amount. "Oh My God I think I love you to Xander as much as you love me damn it why can't I wake up."Then I saw Rick shifting and rubbing his neck something was up. " Dude you better not freak but I kinda feel like that to her friend Brody." I was shocked but so happy and I could see Xander could really careless."If you love him like I love her tell him dude don't end up like me man." I could see the pain in his eyes and wished nothing more than to take the pain away. Rick left shortly and Xander took hold of my hand and kissed it. What startled me was that I felt the shocks and tingles even though I wasn't in my body. I walked over and peeked his cheek."When I wake up you and I need to have a talk mister." I was so happy I got Xander I think and Brody has Rick. "I wonder how Aaron is going to take this." You see Brody had a twin, Aaron, who died at birth and Brody can hear him in his head. But you see Aaron has had a crush on me since six grade. Weird I know but hey its life.

One Week Later

So I guess I have been in a coma for about a week. I hated it Brody came by every so often,and everyone else came by like twice in the week. But what made me the most happy was Xander, he never left, they had to beg him to eat and sleep, let alone take a shower. It made me melt to think that he do this for me. "Liz please wake up for me please," this was Xander begging me to wake up again like everyday. "I'm trying Xander its hard grrrrr, I can't get back." Then I felt a sharp pull and then I saw at the ceiling."Liz OMG nurse, nurse she's up she's up!" I could he Xander shouting like there was no tomorrow. "Okay Xander calm down please." A lady in blue scrubs called to him. She turned to me and asked my name, date of birth, and what the man next to me's name. I answered all and Xander was beaming at me I smiled back then felt pain in the crease of my elbow. "AHHHHH NEEDLE OUT OUT NO NO NO GET IT OUT NOW!" I was now feverishly pulling the nasty things out of my arm. Then to large male hands held down my arms and I felt tingles and knew it was Xander."Liz calm its okay just calm." I was shaking my head repeating " NO not okay I can feel it Xander just get them out I'll be good just please." A few tears escaped my eyes as  Xander's eyes showed pain, then had the balls to laugh. "What the hell is so funny ass." Xander looked at me wiped the tears and said "Lizzy your over reacting calm down." I smiled "You called me Lizzy not emo, Beathy or racist." Xander laughed and nodded siting back down. I already missed the warmth of his hands. I didn't realized the nurse had left. So I jumped into conversation "Hey we need to talk, one why are you here not that I mind, and two I heard you." Xander looked shocked "I'm here because I care, and you heard me?" I laughed and finished " You ever heard of an out of body adventures well I had one so we need to talk Mr. Love." Xander blushed like red cheek blush. " Oh that well sorry you must hate me but I love you more than anything Liz. Have since fifth grade." I smiled as he held my hand and tried to hide the blush forming on my cheeks. "Well i don't hate you I kinda love you too and ah yeah." Xander had the look of pure joy and shock. "So where do we go from here angel." I looked at him "Well I guess me being angel I say we give an us a try, but screw up and I drop you hot stuff." Xander shook his head and chuckled. " Sounds good here so will you be my girlfriend?" It was my turn to chuckle " Sure turd hole just don't mess it up." Xander started to lean in to my face I could feel his warm, minty breath tickling my face. "So do I get to kiss you?" I shrugged and leaned a little to him, he then in turn pressed his soft slightly chapped lips on mine. I had a few kiss but this was like fourth of July to me. When he pulled away he was beaming " That was like New Years damn I really love you Liz." I giggled " Love you too Xander." I saw a few tears escape his eyes and I then noticed the dark circles under those beautiful brown eyes. " Xander thanks for staying here all week but you look like shit you need sleep." Xander smiled " Yeah, yeah  i'm going to call everyone so I think you should be prepared." I grimaced " Call Brody first I need to speak with him." Xander shook his head and left. No more than ten minutes later Brody came bounding through the door. I saw someone behind him that looked just like him they both asked "What the hell happened?" I responded with " I got stabbed and whose that with you?" Brody look confused "Obviously Liz i knew that. Why? And who you talking bout?" I quickly answer " I pissed someone off and that guy who looks just like you." The boy responded "Hey Liz I guess you see me now cool I am Aaron nice to meet you ." I was shocked and so was Brody.

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