Chapter 16 part 2

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Xander POV

I walked down the path and saw Liz at the end looking like a sexy angel. "Damn princess if I had know your goal was to get me turned on I would have said to put me loose jeans." Liz just giggled blushing like a tomato and grabbed my hand pulling me to the clearing. It was beautiful it had fairy lights wrapped in all the trees and it had a candle lite dinner table in the centre I could hear soft music in the background and I smiled. "Is it too much I just thought you know fantasy dinner would be cute, oh you hate it sorry." I looked down at Liz to see the cute panicked look she held on her face. "Babe it's the sweetest think ever though I have to say I never saw this coming it is amazing," I quickly kissed her and pulled her to the table where I saw plates of Chinese food set up. Liz smiled and I knew it was because Chinese is her favourite. "So babe what made you wanna do all this for me?" I looked at her blush filled face as she smiled "You always brag about me and do sweet things for me so I thought it was my turn you know." I nodded to her and felt a stronger feeling of love for her over come me and knew it was now or never to say and ask what I have desperately needed the answer to.


Xander looks really nervous about something and it's got me really scared. "Hey babe what is wrong with you I mean you look scared is it me?" Xander looked at me and laughed "Baby it's not you its just I am thinking of something and I don't know it is scary." I went over to him and sat in his lap hugging him close. Xander just hugged me closer and whispered sweet things in my ear and I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks. "Babe go back to your seat yea I gotta say something really quickly." I looked at Xander puzzled but do that anyway because I really am scared that he is going to dump me. "Xander please tell me cuz if your dumping me I don't wanna drag this out." Xander looked appalled and shocked like I had slapped him. I saw Xander crawl over to me on his knees and grab my hand quickly kissing it. "Babe why would ever dump you after already losing you huh answer that? You know what don't cuz I am the one talking not you ok ok good let's just out this all out because I need answers to questions so you ready?" I just nodded at him and I almost started to cry. "I have loved you since the fifth grade when I threw rocks at you to get you to notice me and you would say you hated me and I would hurt and cry to Rich all the time and he would just say it was ok and I would trust him,because I knew I would never stop chasing after you it didn't matter if you arrested me or told me to fuck off I would be there and now I bet your thinking some stuff I may ask but I was going to what but you thinking I am going to brake it off with you breaks my heart so I need to know ..." I watched as he pulled something out of his jacket pocket and I gasped.

Xander POV

I pulled the box out of my pocket and heard Liz gasp at that noise I finished my earlier sentence. "Liz please don't be disappointed but this is a promise ring that your mine and I yours and that I will never give you a splitting heart again and I will protect you from harm so will you please promise to one day marry me and let me keep you happy?" Liz looked so happy and before I noticed she had tackled me to the ground hugging me tightly and crying into my shoulder. "Of course I am not disappointed at you this is even better I thought you were giving me like a watch or something." I laughed at her and pushed us up and slipped the ring on her finger it was a simple ring with mine forever engraved on the front with a little diamond in the center. "Babe we are finishing this food going to mine watching films and cuddling ok good mission in action." I watched Liz run to her seat and start eating and when she realized I just sat there she looked at me and cocked her head to the side like a little puppy. I laughed and joined her at the table "Honey you do realize schools back not tomorrow but the day after." She groaned and nodded he head and just kept eating. I looked at her and I felt so happy "Liz I love you." I froze as she looked up at me.


OMG he just said he loved me wow I just can't think. Xander looks so scared and sad he starts to get up when my body finally reacts to my brain. I tackled Xander to the ground giving him a giant kiss. After I pulled out of the kiss I spoke "I love you to I love you sooo sooo much." This date is perfect.



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